最近は女優よりも歌手やカリスマ主婦のイメージが強いグウィネス・パルトロウ(38)は、今月、パーティー用のレシピを集めた料理本My Father's Daughterを出版した。AP通信のインタビューで、「本業の方は?」と聞かれて——。
"The cookbook isn't a career change for me. I am just a working mom and this is how I do it, so I made the collection of recipes for anyone
who was interested to see just me as one example of a working mother kind of a thing."
"I think it is really important to make food yourself. I think it is so engrained. I don't really think about it. I will just get a bunch of ingredients and cook whatever is around. I am kind of always on the fly making stuff."