スティーブン・スピルバーグ監督の最新作『リンカーン』で第16代米大統領エイブラハム・リンカーンを演じた英俳優ダニエル・デイ= ルイス(55)。演じるにあたって、リンカーンの声についてかなり調べたそうで — 。
"There are numerous accounts, contemporary accounts, of his speaking voice. They tend to imply that it was fairly high, in a high register, which I believe allowed him to reach greater numbers of people when he was speaking publicly."
"He was a supreme politician. I've no doubt in my mind that when you think of all the influences in his life, from his childhood in Kentucky and Indiana and a good part of his younger life in southern Illinois, that the sounds of all those regions would have come together in him somehow."
"And I feel that he probably learned how to play with his voice in public and use it in certain ways in certain places and in certain other ways in other places. ... I've no doubt that he was conscious enough of his image."