ロバート・レッドフォード(76)が1978年に立ち上げたインディペンデント映画の祭典、サンダンス映画祭が17日、米ユタ州パークシティで開幕した。11日間で32ヵ国119作品が発表されるこの映画祭について、レッドフォードは — 。
"What Sundance stands for is giving new voices and new filmmakers an opportunity to be seen and heard. ... We show what's there, and what comes up will usually give you an indication of changing times."
大きな時代の変化の一つとしてセックスと恋愛の描き方を挙げて — 。
"When I got into the film business in the early '60s, it was a romantic time. Sex and romance were pretty well tied together. Now, 40, 50 years later, we see that sexual relations have moved to a place where it doesn't feel like there's so much romance involved. ... Relations have changed, and they've changed because of changing times and because of new technology. People are texting rather than dating and all that kind of stuff."