カナダのシンガーソングライター、ニール・ヤング(62)が監督したドキュメンタリー映画『CSNYDeja Vu』 が25日からアメリカで公開される。映画は、自身が2006年に行なった反戦コンサートツアーの様子を収めたもので、反戦歌"Let's Impeach the President"( 大統領を弾劾しよう)を歌うと、喝さいとともにブーイングの嵐が起こる観客の姿などを見ることができる。AP通信とのインタビューで、ヤングは自らの活動について——。
"Just because I'm famous doesn't mean that I work for the audience. I'm not obliged to do anything. I'm an artist. I will do what I want to do. Whatever the consequences. ... I certainly hope that it's a civilized reaction."
"I was committed to it and I followed it all the way through to the end, but it's dangerous and it's not fun. Singing those songs every day and meeting the soldiers and meeting people who were crying about their lost loved ones every day? We did that ... but I don't want to spend the rest of my life replaying that."