アフリカとインドのエイズ感染者を支援する慈善団体 Keep a Child Alive を2003年に立ち上げた米歌手アリシア・キーズ。彼女の南ア訪問を描いたドキュメンタリー番組の上映会が29日、ニューヨークで行なわれ、長年エイズ撲滅活動を続けるロックバンドU 2のボノ(51)が出席。10年前に音楽の仕事でキーズと初めて対面したときの印象を語って —。
"I was terrified the moment I met her. I was shaking in my boots. I was very moved by her singing of course, but what was interesting was the hard questions afterwards, and I think it's those hard questions that she asks that lead her."
"Everyone's got heart, but actually you have to have the head for this. You have to be tough and strategic, you have to be demanding (and) the money has to be spent well."