米歌手ビヨンセ(31)が監督・プロデューサーを務めた自伝的テレビ・ドキュメンタリー Life is But a Dream のプレミアが12日、ニューヨークで行なわれた。同作は流産の体験や父親をマネージャー職から解雇したことについても明かしているという。会見で — 。
"This movie has really been my therapy. I've healed from so many wounds and I've been able to understand why some of the things I've been through, why I went through, so I feel really proud, and hopefully I can inspire other people."
同作品がいつか1歳の娘ブルー・アイビーちゃんのためになればいいと語って — 。
"I hope that she will see all of the beautiful times (and) all the tough times that led up to her being here. I hope that ... it can comfort her and inspire her in her life when she needs it."