9月に行なわれたワシントン・ナショナル・オペラの『トスカ』の公演について、ワシントンポスト紙の音楽評論家アン・ミジェット氏が、"All theperformances were hampered,indeed sabotaged, by the conducting." (全公演は、指揮によって妨げられ、破壊された)と、指揮者を務めたスペインのオペラ歌手プラシド・ドミンゴ(70)を痛烈に批判する記事を書いた。1日、ドミンゴはその記事に対する反論を同紙に寄せて——。
"In more than 50 years of my career as a singer and nearly 40 as a conductor, I have accepted critics' reviews, positive or negative. But for the first time in my life, I am sending a letter to the editor of a newspaper, because your music critic Anne Midgette has crossed the line between reasonably objective criticism and what appears to be open animosity."
"An act of sabotage is a destructive act done on purpose. Her remark suggests not only that I 'spoiled' the performances but that I did so intentionally. This is unconscionable."