ミャンマーの野党、国民民主連盟の党首アウン・サン・スー・チーさんは2日、国会に登院し、議員に正式就任した。宣誓文の内容に修正を求め、初登院を見合わせていたが、譲歩した形だ。ミャンマーを訪問中だった国連の潘基文事務総長(67)は1日、この決断について — 。
"I know that it must have been a very difficult decision. But a real leader demonstrates flexibility for the greater cause of the people. This is what she has done yesterday and I really admire and respect her decision."
"I am sure she'll play a very constructive and active role as a parliamentarian for the betterment and well-being of this great country."