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Letter from Boston

Common Cathedral


The Boston Common area is one of the hubs of the city. There are many stores in the nearby Downtown Crossing area, and the pedestrian walkways are always crowded on weekends. It is close to the business district, so workers flood the area during lunch break on weekdays as well.

And many people congregate in Boston Common. It's a large park that offers free movies, concerts and live plays, and a place where rallies, demos, conferences and other gatherings are held. It's also a place where people simply like to visit to play frisbee or to relax and enjoy the trees and the sun. It's large enough that there is always a patch of empty grass that one can occupy.

On Sunday afternoons, there always seems to be a small group of people around a portable cross made of rough wood. This is the "Common Cathedral." The people attending the service are no better dressed than the other people lounging around the park, and many of them sit cross-legged on the grass or lean against a tree while listening to the minister.

People shift in and out of the circle as they lose or gain interest. This doesn't seem to bother the minister or the other audience members. My guess is that most of them are average parkgoers who have been intrigued by the portable pulpit, but who are not particularly religious.

The minister I saw today wore Birkenstock sandals, so I knew she was not conservative. Her prayer shawl was not made of fancy silk, but was a plain piece of fabric with a bunch of colorful handprints. Her language was simple, and it seemed that the audience was entertained by her talk, as well as warmed by it. The "common" in Common Cathedral is obviously a play on words linking Boston Common and the adjective, common, or one for all.

I've never listened to more than five minutes of a Common Cathedral sermon, so I don't know what the underlying belief of the ministers is. However, I am intrigued by their nonaccusatory, nonhysteric tone, and how this can attract an audience of people who are enjoying their day of rest.

I listened to the sandaled woman tell the people around her that God doesn't keep a tab of who has gone to church how many times in order to separate good and bad people. She said that their being there at that moment was the most important thing.

If it weren't for the cross and the sacrament at the pulpit, I would have thought it was a New Age philosophy group. Audience members were even invited to share their own feelings.

It's surprising that a minister talking without a mike in large park can get any audience at all. Most of the people I know are religious in name only. Of course, many of them are culturally attached to their religions and engage in holiday rituals. Some even insist on marrying only somebody from the same religion, and others selectively decide to follow certain rules (such as not eating pork).

However, when asked whether they actually go to their church, temple or mosque every week, most of them say, "No." They certainly don't seem to make an effort to be celibate, which is a commandment in many world religions. Even the central, "Do you believe in God?" often gets a "No."

I'm always a bit startled when I meet people who are honest about their faith, since most people I know either don't have faith or wouldn't admit to it if they did.

I was standing in line at the cafeteria when I overheard the woman at the cash register tell one of the custodians that she didn't have time to go to church every week. The custodian replied, "It's giving back an hour of all the hours God gave us." I got the sense that he appreciated his blessings, and this moved me, even though I'm just as cynical as anybody with regards to the supernatural.

I think people are attracted to Common Cathedral for a different reason, though. I have the feeling that even the most worldly, well-read, urbane types can be attracted to Common Cathedral, if only for a few minutes, because of its simple charm. Regardless of whether you believe in a God or not, there is something comforting about being told by a kindly sandal-wearing teacher in a park that things are going to be OK ... and that somebody will always love you.

Shukan ST: Oct. 1, 1999

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