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Better, cheaper welfare goods needed


About 18 months have passed since the introduction of long-term care insurance based on the principle of the "socialization of care." From October, elderly people aged 65 and over have been paying the full insurance premium. This is an important period for solidifying the system. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has hailed the system's "smooth progress, almost without hitch." On average nationwide, however, only about 40 percent of usable funds are actually being used. This means that efforts must be made to improve the system, including a thorough review of the quality and use of services.

Problems to be tackled include the development and diffusion of "welfare equipment" that can be obtained through care insurance, such as spoons designed for deformed hands and mattresses that prevent bedsores. The expression "welfare equipment" refers to the "helping hand" that enables elderly and disabled people to lead independent lives. It also must be designed to reduce the burden on care providers.

Scandinavian countries are known for their generous distribution of welfare equipment designed to make the lives of the elderly more pleasant. In addition to having an abundant variety of equipment, suppliers have a meticulous attitude. Decentralization has made deep inroads in those countries, and local governments are obliged to set up special centers.

In Denmark, for example, there is a public welfare-equipment center in every county. Each of these centers has about 4,000 items, large and small, centering on electric-powered and ordinary wheelchairs. The staff includes work and physical therapists, visiting nurses, and welding and metal-plate experts.

When an elderly or disabled person visits the center, staff members select necessary equipment according to that person's wishes or disabilities and thoroughly instruct the person on usage. If they do not have appropriate equipment, they might make improvements on what they have. Simple additions and alterations are done on the spot.

Another particularly striking feature is the diffusion of wheelchairs. Renovations are made so that people can use their wheelchairs not only at home but also at work. People with severe disabilities, such as those who have suffered a stroke or are paralyzed from the waist down, can be helped into wheelchairs by apparatus using state-of-the-art technology. Both welfare equipment and home renovations are provided free of charge.

In addition to beautiful design and superb functionality that is matched to users' movements, self-help equipment in Denmark displays engineering considerations to ease the burden on care providers. Severely disabled people can hire two helpers (working 37 hours a week) at all times, with the municipality paying their wages.

Kyodo News quotes the director of one such center in the county of Storstrom in Denmark as saying: The basic policy is to guarantee a high quality of life and equal opportunities to all people at all times. We try to draw out the abilities that people still have and enable them to use these abilities as much as possible. Then the social system helps with what they cannot do.

Japan should introduce this approach to the development and supply of welfare equipment. According to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the scale of the welfare equipment market topped ¥1 trillion in fiscal 1997, increasing from ¥773.1 billion in fiscal 1993 to about ¥1.15 trillion in fiscal 1999. Although the lease and purchase of welfare equipment have been permitted under care insurance, the figures fall well below forecasts before the system was launched. There are two main reasons for this: Municipalities have reduced subsidies for the purchase of welfare equipment and it is difficult to purchase expensive equipment within the limits set by care insurance. The annual International Home Care and Rehabilitation Exhibition was held in Ariake, Tokyo, at the end of October. About 630 companies from 14 countries and regions participated, and 25,000 items of the latest welfare equipment were on display. This year's show attracted 134,000 visitors, the highest ever.

There was a great variety of exhibits, from spoons to high-tech equipment and specially designed vehicles. The problem, however, is that all the equipment, both domestic and foreign, is just too expensive. Manufacturers should increase efforts to develop welfare equipment that is safe, of good quality and cheap. Accurate information on welfare equipment should also be supplied to elderly and disabled people, their families and the care managers who draw up care plans under the care insurance scheme.

The Japan Times: Nov. 8, 2001
(C) All rights reserved





The Japan Times Weekly
Nov. 17, 2001
(C) All rights reserved

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