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Revitalizing national agriculture
(From The Japan Times July 1 issue)



    The fiscal 2005 white paper on agriculture, made public June 6, covers the first year of the implementation of the nation's basic plan for food and agricultural communities that was adopted in March 2005.

    The plan is based on the 1999 basic law, which spells out four fundamental goals: securing a stable supply of food, bringing into full play the various functions of land used for agriculture, ensuring the sustainable growth of agriculture and promoting the advancement of agricultural communities.

    To vitalize the nation's agriculture, the agricultural sector should first step up efforts to gain the public's trust by promoting a stable food supply, food safety and the ability to meet diversified consumer demand.

    The government annual report takes up a prefecture-by-prefecture self-sufficiency rate in food supply for the first time. Because this rate is influenced by people's food preferences and changes in the foreign exchange rate, and because agricultural products freely move from prefecture to prefecture, setting a specific self-sufficiency rate as a policy goal for each prefecture would not have much meaning. But tracing changes in each prefecture's rate over a long period of time may help increase the nation's overall food self-sufficiency. It may help farmers and agricultural policy planners adjust agricultural production to better suit reality.

    Japan's calorie-based food self-sufficiency rate was 73 percent in fiscal 1965. But by 1998 it had dropped to 40 percent and remained there for seven consecutive years through fiscal 2004. The self-sufficiency rate based on agricultural output was 70 percent in both fiscal 2003 and 2004. The basic plan calls for raising the calorie-based self-sufficiency rate to 45 percent and the output-based self-sufficiency rate to 76 percent by the end of fiscal 2015.

    Preoccupation with year-by-year changes may be unproductive. But looking at long-term changes could help farmers and policy planners see problems and advantages in each prefecture's agricultural sector.

    Defining agricultural communities as "common property" of the Japanese people, the white paper says that they serve as an important base for the creation of a sustainable regional economy and society. In this connection, it calls attention to the importance of developing biomass to reduce dependency on fossil fuel.

    At the same time, it expresses concern that a population decrease and stagnation of local economies may weaken the agricultural sector, thus jeopardizing food-supply stability, preservation of the natural environment and the passing down of traditions and culture.

    Food-related industries, including agriculture, account for 10 percent of the nation's gross domestic product. In 2005, 3,338,000 people were engaged in agriculture, a decrease of 14.2 percent from 2000. Pointing to the small number of people aged under 50 who are engaged in agriculture, the white paper warns that a labor shortage may occur in the agricultural sector.

    The report mentions a new subsidy policy that is expected to help bring structural change to the nation's agricultural sector. Under this policy, the government will stop paying subsidies to every farming household.

    Instead it will provide subsidies to farming units above a certain size to equalize production conditions for wheat, soy beans, sugar beets and potatoes (for starch) with the conditions of foreign producers. Subsidies will be provided to such farming units to cushion the effect of price changes in these four staples plus rice.

    In the field of food security, the annual document calls for deeper cooperation among producers, processors and distributors to improve the traceability of agricultural products' places of origin. In fiscal 2004, 17.1 percent of food-product manufacturers surveyed used the traceability system for all their goods. The corresponding figure was 15.3 percent for food wholesalers and 11.2 percent for food retailers.

    On the consumption side, people aged 55 older account for more than half of the nation's food spending. The white paper predicts that the postwar baby boomers and older generations will exert a strong influence on trends in future food consumption.

    Agriculture is directly related to the people's daily life. The sector needs to respond flexibly to consumer demands under the principle of "producing and supplying good-quality products," as the white paper says. Agricultural producers should concern themselves most with food safety, technological innovation and the production of value-added products.

The Japan Times Weekly: July 8, 2006
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