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Difficult path awaits Ozawa
(From The Japan Times Nov. 9 issue)



fter a few days of fussing in the Democratic Party of Japan, Mr. Ichiro Ozawa on Nov. 6 withdrew his offer to resign as head of the No. 1 opposition party. Mr. Ozawa had announced his resignation earlier this month to express a sense of responsibility for causing a rift in the party over his handling of Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda's proposal to form a grand coalition. Mr. Ozawa formally withdrew his resignation at a meeting of the party's Diet members Nov. 7. He said, "I have resolved to spur myself on, staking my political life on a coming Lower House election, battling it out with all my power and gaining victory without fail."

The DPJ Diet members accepted Mr. Ozawa back at the helm, but he will have a difficult time as leader. That's because it appeared he was ready to accept the coalition proposal in his meeting with Mr. Fukuda, contrary to his long-standing pledge that he would do his best to lead the DPJ to victory in a general election to achieve a change of government. His positive attitude toward Mr. Fukuda's proposal has caused suspicion among some DPJ members concerning Mr. Ozawa's true intentions. If Mr. Ozawa again shows any sign that he has not completely turned away from the idea of a coalition with the Liberal Democratic Party, it could cause a fatal schism within the DPJ.

The confusion in the DPJ stemming from Mr. Ozawa's meeting with Mr. Fukuda and his subsequent offer to resign has cast a dark shadow over Mr. Ozawa's qualifications as a party leader and the DPJ's reliability as the leading opposition party. It demonstrated a lack of unity in the party, and a lack of communication between the party leader and members.

Acting arbitrarily on his own is Mr. Ozawa's weakness. The DPJ is not his private party. Mr. Ozawa must strive to carefully explain his ideas about the party's direction, strategy and policy matters to party members so that consensus can form within the party. Only when the party is united on these matters and can present them in a clear manner to the public will it be able to regain the trust of people.

The Japan Times Weekly: Nov. 17, 2007
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