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Flexibility in education highlighted in Yoru Supe case
(From The Japan Times Feb. 5 issue)



A night "cram school" for top achievers run by a private company has begun at the publicly run Wada Junior High School in Suginami Ward, Tokyo. Some public schools have been pushing tie-ups with private cram schools offering supplementary instruction. The programs are open to a wide range of students. But at Wada Junior High School, only about 20 of the 127 second-year students who have passed placement tests attend the cram courses.

Depending on the number of cram courses students take, the monthly tuition at Wada Junior High's one-year course, called Yoru Supe (Night Special), is either ¥18,000 or ¥24,000. The school principal, who came from the private sector, explains that public schools need to stimulate gifted students even through collaboration with private companies. The tuition is about half the tuition charged by many cram schools. For households on welfare, the tuition is halved further.

The new night courses may bring a feeling of division between students whose academic achievements are high enough to attend the courses and those who are not, as well as between parents who can afford the courses and those who cannot.

What is going on at Wada Junior High School sheds light on problems public schools are facing. They include how to get students interested in studying and how to increase their scholastic ability. Education authorities should pay attention to the fact that teachers are too busy to spend enough time with students. The fiscal 2008 budget will increase the number of full-time public middle and grammar school teachers by 1,195, and fund the hiring of 7,000 part-time teachers. This is good news, but education authorities also should consider allowing teachers to demonstrate more originality and ingenuity in teaching students.

The Japan Times Weekly: Feb. 9, 2008
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