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Freedom of expression threatened as cinemas shun Yasukuni
(From The Japan Times April 6 issue)



Four movie theaters in Tokyo and one in Osaka have decided not to screen Yasukuni, a documentary on Japan's war shrine. Rightist groups protested against the planned screenings with vehicle-mounted loudspeakers and harassing telephone calls. Most movie theaters cited possible inconveniences to the audience and local communities as the reason for their decisions.

Regrettably, their decisions restrict freedom of expression. No cinemas will show the film in Tokyo, but about a dozen in other areas plan to.

The situation reminds one of the refusal this year by Hotel Shin Takanawa in Tokyo to let the Japan Teachers' Union (Nikkyoso) use a large room for its study meeting in defiance of a Jan. 30 Tokyo High Court injunction.

The movie was directed by Mr. Li Ying, a Chinese movie director who has lived in Japan for many years. He spent 10 years making the documentary, which shows visitors to the shrine holding different views on the war and the shrine itself, and a swordsmith who made "Yasukuni Swords."

A Liberal Democratic Party Lower House member who thought the movie might not be politically neutral had questioned why the filmmakers received a subsidy from an organization under the Cultural Affairs Agency's jurisdiction. She told the agency she wanted to see the film, and an unusual invitation was eventually extended to all Diet members for a March 12 preview.

The Directors Guild of Japan, of which Mr. Li is a member, issued a protest, saying the behavior of some Diet members who had called for the preview would hinder efforts to screen the movie and would put pressure on movie directors. The Federation of Cinema and Theatrical Workers Unions of Japan said the preview was tantamount to pre-censorship.

The LDP member says she doesn't want freedom of expression and political activity curtailed. If she is serious, not only the film industry but also lawmakers should take concrete action to ensure that screenings occur. Police should promise to get tough with any party who tries to physically obstruct screenings.

The Japan Times Weekly: April 12, 2008
(C) All rights reserved

東京と大阪の映画館が、靖国神社についてのドキュメンタリー映画「靖国 YASUKUNI」の上映を中止した。右翼団体の妨害を恐れ、観客や近隣住民の迷惑を考えての決断だという。遺憾ながらこれは表現の自由を規制する決断だ。映画は日本在住の中国人監督の作品で、文化庁所管団体から助成金を得ているが、ある自民党議員が内容の政治的公正さを疑問視し、結局、全国会議員対象に試写会が開かれた。映画業界では事前検閲に等しいという抗議が上がった。


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