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The watch that failed
(From The Japan Times July 1 issue)



The Japan Coast Guard has turned over to prosecutors a case against two former watch officers of the Maritime Self-Defense Force's Aegis destroyer Atago over its collision with a fishing boat, which claimed the lives of two fishermen. The MSDF must take this tragedy seriously, raise its members' consciousness about safety in navigation and strengthen their education.

The collision occurred around 4:06 a.m. on Feb. 19, about 40 km south of Cape Nojima, Chiba Prefecture. The 7,750-ton Atago was sailing on autopilot when it hit the 7.3-ton Seitoku Maru. Watch crews had changed at 3:55 a.m.

According to the sequence of events reconstructed by the coast guard, the first watch officer noticed a group of fishing boats, including the Seitoku Maru, ahead of the destroyer and to the right around 3:40 a.m. Although the destroyer should have maneuvered to avoid a collision, the first watch officer thought there was no danger. Under the Prevention of Collision at Sea Law, when two ships appear on a collision course, a ship that sees the other to the right must maneuver to avoid a collision.

When the first watch officer handed over the watch duty to the second watch officer, he did not alert him about the possible collision danger. The second watch officer saw the group of fishing boats, but he let the destroyer continue sailing on autopilot. It is also known that a watchman who should have been on a bridge wing was inside the bridge.

The Coast Guard Academy has decided that the Atago neither carried out its collision-avoidance maneuver nor reduced its speed in time. The Seitoku Maru turned to starboard just before the collision. The destroyer rammed the fishing boat on the port side from behind at an angle of 40 to 50 degrees and a speed of about 10 knots, almost the same as the autopilot speed.

At the time of the collision, 11 people were inside the bridge and seven others were in the combat information center. This demonstrates the lack of safety consciousness on the part of crew members. The MSDF must strive to rid slackness toward safety from each of its ship's crews.

The Japan Times Weekly: July 5, 2008
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