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Aso and Hatoyama need to clarify their parties' policy platforms
(From The Japan Times Aug. 14 issue)



Prime Minister Taro Aso and Democratic Party of Japan leader Yukio Hatoyama held their first election debate Aug. 12. Mr. Aso strove to paint the DPJ as a party with no governing ability and tried to sell his Liberal Democratic Party as the "responsible" one that implements policy based on a solid financial foundation, including an eventual hike in the consumption tax rate. Mr. Hatoyama criticized the ruling coalition of the LDP and Komeito for letting bureaucrats take the initiative in developing policy, and turning Japan into a nation bound firmly by bureaucrats' vested interests. He noted that many people want a change of government.

Mr. Aso tenaciously attacked the DPJ for its security policy, saying that Japan's security cannot be left to a party that lacks a coherent security policy, a charge that Mr. Hatoyama failed to effectively parry. As for the Maritime Self-Defense Force's Indian Ocean fueling mission, which the DPJ opposed, Mr. Hatoyama said that if the DPJ takes power it will handle the matter realistically as demanded by consistency in diplomacy.

Mr. Aso said that the DPJ's proposals for child allowances, income compensation for farmers and toll-free expressways are irresponsible "money-scattering" measures that lack clear financial sources. Mr. Hatoyama said that necessary funds will be created through a reworking of the nation's ¥207 trillion budget, but he failed to show where actual cuts would be possible.

Mr. Aso placed top priority on economic recovery but did not lay out a concrete path for economic growth. And while he said he would implement concentrated economic measures, he failed to explain how he would fund them.

Mr. Aso failed to address the troubled social security system or the weakening of local economies. Mr. Hatoyama, for his part, had a difficult time selling his "politics with a warm heart." Overall, the debate left viewers unsatisfied. It is hoped that in the run-up to the Aug. 30 Lower House election, the party leaders will clarify the content of their party's policy platforms so voters can make a more informed choice at the polls.

The Japan Times Weekly: August 22, 2009
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