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Management should invest in human resources for future growth
(From The Japan Times March 20 issue)



The annual wage negotiations, held amid deflationary conditions, reached a climax March 17. Most major manufacturers, including automakers and electronics makers, agreed to resume teiki shokyu, a periodic wage increase (based on age or years of service) that was frozen last year due to the recession. But they did not raise basic pay and many major manufacturers refused to meet union demands for bonuses.

Although the periodic wage increase will have a minor impact on domestic demand, deflation will likely continue. In view of the nation's economic difficulties, the Japanese Trade Union Confederation (Rengo), Japan's largest labor organization, had given up seeking an increase in basic pay. Instead, it concentrated on securing the periodic wage increase. Apparently, management opted to restore the periodic increase to preserve workers' morale. The results of the negotiations have helped the labor unions save face.

Strong demand in China and other Asian countries has helped increase Japan's automobile and electronics exports. But demand remains low in the North American and European markets. Electronics makers are also facing serious competition from emerging economies like South Korea.

More than half of Japan's major electronics makers expect deficits in the current business year. The prospects are poor in particular for firms that rely mainly on domestic demand. In Japan, supply is believed to exceed demand by ¥30 trillion.

The labor ministry has found that average annual household income has declined by about ¥1 million in the past 10 years. Only 80 percent of graduating university students and 74 percent of graduating high school students have jobs lined up. Management should not forget that investment in human resources is the key to future growth.

Labor can do its part by pushing management to improve the working conditions of irregular employees.

The Japan Times Weekly: March 27, 2010
(C) All rights reserved



日本経済は約30兆円需要不足といわれている。厚労省によると年間世帯収入の平均は過去10年で100万円減、新大卒者の80 % 、新高卒者の74 % にしか職がない。経営側は将来的成長のカギは人材への投資であることを忘れず、労組は非正規雇用者の労働環境改善を求めるべきだ。

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