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Priority time for parties
(From The Japan Times June 25 issue)



As the campaign for the July 11 Upper House election officially kicked off June 24, a consumption tax increase has cropped up as the main issue. This is because the ruling Democratic Party of Japan and the No. 1 opposition Liberal Democratic Party call for raising the tax.

Since the government's outstanding debt is expected to reach 200 percent of the nation's gross national product by the end of 2010, increasing tax revenues for the sake of financial reconstruction is inevitable. But in pushing for a consumption tax raise, the parties have to answer many questions.

As Japan is suffering from deflation and sluggish economic conditions, the DPJ and the LDP must show voters concrete measures and timetables to put the economy on a steady recovery path. They have to realize that unless the economy is put on a solid foundation, tax increases are impossible. The DPJ and the LDP must show a coherent mix of measures to achieve economic growth and financial reconstruction.

Prime Minister Naoto Kan and the LDP are talking about raising the consumption tax from 5 percent to 10 percent. It is reported that the annual income of one out of every four workers in Japan is ¥2 million or less. Thus a consumption tax raise as proposed would deal a severe blow to the lives of these people.

Concentrating on the issue of a consumption tax raise also carries the danger of slighting the important issues of reducing government waste and encouraging lawmakers to take the initiative in developing policy measures — the key concepts of the DPJ administration since it came into power in September.

The DPJ must present a convincing scenario to cut government waste and thus save money. It also must rectify its confused approach to the reform of the national civil servants system, which will be a basis for lawmakers controlling bureaucrats in a constructive way.

The main thrust of the DPJ's manifesto clearly differs from that for the Lower House election in August 2009. The party must thoroughly explain why the change is necessary. It also must strictly prioritize its campaign promises.

The Japan Times Weekly: July 3, 2010
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