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Diabetes Pride

By John Gathright

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キャンプに参加した糖尿病の子供たち。普段は人前でインスリン注射を打つことを恥ずかしがる子供たちも、ここでは伸び伸びと、みんな楽しそう。左下の写真2枚は、初めて娘にインスリン注射を打つ父親と、DIABETIC の文字が入ったタトゥーを誇らしげに見せる青年
With a cloud of dust trailing our car we headed down the dirt road into Bearskin Meadow Camp, our home for the next five days. We caught a quick glance of the camp through the trees. What a surprise! The camp looked great! Big playing fields, a basketball court, a swimming pool, a small stream for fishing, all surrounded by huge trees and a delightful forest.

When we arrived, one of the staff ran out with a big smile to meet us: "Welcome to Bearskin Meadow!" We were led to the sleeping deck. "Cool!" the boys said. "No roof, no walls, just right under the trees and sky!" Hiroko, my wife, looked at me in disbelief. Then she saw the old steel army cots and piles of mattresses, and I could hear her thinking, "We flew all the way from Japan for this!" But Hiroko is a great sport. She put on a big smile and said, "Hey, boys, look at all the choices of beds!"

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Our first steps into the dining hall blew us away! It was huge! A wonderful aroma floated in the air, and the food looked great! But, the families were the biggest surprise: over 100 people all laughing, talking and having fun.

We soon learned that this was not only a dining hall but the hall for funny-hat night, crazy- clothes night, and a daily parade of firsts: first insulin shot in her tummy (5-year-old Terry); first time on an insulin pump (8-year-old Nate); first time giving shots to Mummy (7-year-old Diana)

Here there was no shame about shooting insulin in public. They even had a long insulin line before snacks and meals so everyone could shoot together. "Hey, do you take blood from your ear lobes?" "I like shots in the bum rather than the arm." All the kids were sharing their experiences with others.

Denny felt a little bit left out so he ended up shooting saline into me. But he made a new friend who was also a sibling of a diabetic. Soon the two had lost themselves in the freedom and fun of the camp.

Bearskin Meadow Camp was heaven for Hiroko and me. We had forgotten how long it had been since we could send Johnny off to play without worrying about low blood-sugar seizures and other related problems. It was such a relief knowing that he was in good care

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One of the great things about the camp was the diabetic education for parents. We had so many questions to ask, and while the children played, we were treated to warm advice

In one session, we all shared our diabetic stories of struggle, pain and accomplishment. It was so comforting to talk to other parents. Sharing is the best medicine, and tears shared with new-found friends are a powerful drug. We no longer felt alone or incompetent as parents

There was even a very special session where we heard from the diabetic youth. They were wonderful people, who loved life, helped others, had dreams, and actively lived life to the fullest. Two young men showed us their tattoos. They had "DIABETIC" written on their arms. They had pride in who they were, their abilities to meet the challenges and win. "Hey, man," one of them said, "It's called Diabetes Pride. If you've got it, flaunt it!" Soon Johnny was asking for a tattoo too. Luckily we found him a "Diabetes" T-shirt instead.

The camp was over all too fast, and saying goodbye was difficult. As we left, I noticed Johnny's bright red "Diabetes" T-shirt, but was surprised to see that Denny had put one on too! Hiroko smiled and opened the bag on her lap. She had a bright red "Diabetes" T-shirt for me, too!

I am proud of Johnny and my family. Ten years ago, as Hiroko and I cradled our newborn, we whispered a promise to raise our sons to be strong and healthy, to love life, love nature, help others, and live their dreams. Thank you Bearskin Meadow Camp for giving us the confidence to keep that promise.

Shukan ST: Oct. 8, 2004

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