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The personal joy of climbing

By Peter Skov

Just after Christmas, I went for my first trip to the Central Alps. From Komagane Station, I took a bus up a winding mountain road to a cable car station and then rode up to the Senjoujiki Hotel in the Senjoujiki Cirque. In a short time, I was standing at 2,612 meters above sea level, below the crags of Houken Dake, the icon of the Central Alps. The sun was shining through the bare trees, and long blue shadows stretched across the bright, white snow.

In the hotel, I inquired about climbing out of the cirque and up to Kiso Komagatake. I was told that the snow in the steep ravines was risky to climb because of possible avalanches and the steeper rocky parts were iced over by the wind. It seemed I would be stuck below without much room to move around and photograph for the next two days.

Then I discovered someone's footprints in the snow off to the left and leading right up to the lip of the cirque. I decided to follow them in my ascension snowshoes. It was a long, slow climb in deep snow up a slope that got steeper as it neared the top. The edge was vertical snow up to my chest. Taking off my snowshoes, I kicked my boots in and climbed over the top. The sun was sinking low and flecks of snow glittered like gold. The scenery was breathtaking. The wind had carved beautiful patterns in the snow. Rime had formed in the most fantastic feather formations on the rocks. All around, I could see winter-white mountains with a great view of the South Alps and Mount Fuji, too.

The next day I returned and spent a glorious afternoon shooting the remarkable scenery. Afterward, I felt giddy with happiness.

Whenever I climb a mountain, I always feel that same rush of happiness. Though the challenge of reaching the summit, or even the tent site, tests my endurance, I know I can do it if I persevere. After a grueling hike up the mountainside, or sometimes climbing up over boulders and along tricky knife-edge ridges, I feel great personal satisfaction. The view is much more rewarding knowing I reached the top by my own power (there usually aren't any cable cars!). Climbing up mountains is a challenge I can take on and feel proud of myself for accomplishing. The success is sweetened greatly if the light is good for photography, too!

Shukan ST: Jan. 25, 2008

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