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World News

He's not running, but Italy's Monti has a plan

Premier Mario Monti issued a 25-page agenda to "Change Italy, Reform Europe" on Dec. 23 after announcing he had ruled out campaigning for February elections but would consider leading the next government if politicians who share his focus on reform request it.

Monti outlined the steps Italy must take to finish the reforms launched by his 13-month-long technical government to reign in Italy's public debt, spur economic growth and bring Europe's No. 3 economy out of recession.

Some of Monti's priorities include attracting greater foreign investment, investing in research, capitalizing on Italy's cultural treasures and fighting tax evasion and corruption. He called for incentives to hire women and young workers to help reduce the youth unemployment rate.

Monti said he wanted to contribute some ideas for Italy's future to help orient Italy's political leaders as they embark on what is expected to be a bitter two-month campaign before the Feb. 24-25 elections. (AP)



Shukan ST: JANUARY 4, 2013

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