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How bad is evil?

By Joseph LaPenta


9月の同時多発テロ攻撃以来、evilという言葉が使われているのをよく目にする。日本人に bad とevilの違いは何かと聞かれるが、その違いを認識することは、米国とアフガニスタンを取り巻く情勢を理解するのに重要なことだ。

We have heard a great deal about the terrorist attacks in the United States on Sept. 11. Government leaders and media commentators tell us they were the work of religious fanatics. As students of English, it may be helpful to examine the language being used. For one thing, it shows how religious concepts are fundamental to both sides.

In one of his first speeches after the attacks, U.S. President George W. Bush declared that they were acts of war — a war between good and evil. Many Japanese students have asked me to explain the difference between "bad" and "evil." In some cases the meanings overlap, but in general, evil does not simply mean "very bad" Ethe difference is one of quality. Bush may have insisted that the conflict was not a religious war between the (predominantly Christian) West and Islam, but the word "evil" has strong religious overtones.

To get a clearer sense of the difference between bad and evil, try substituting one word for the other in common expressions. You can say, "I have an evil headache," but that would be an exaggeration used for emphasis or effect. Most people would say "bad headache." Take the example of a bad child: That child may need more discipline or better role models but there is only one person who can help an evil child, and that person is an exorcist.

Evil means sin, moral depravity and wickedness in the eyes of God. Moreover, evil has traditionally been seen as the work of the Devil, also called "the Evil One." Another name for the Devil is Satan, which in Hebrew means "the adversary" or enemy. Thus, a battle between good and evil is a battle between God and Satan, absolute good and absolute evil. In such a battle, there can be no negotiations and no compromise.

In the current conflict, President Bush has clearly stated that his demands are not negotiable. The Taliban government must turn over Osama bin Laden and destroy his organization, bases and training camps. President Bush also ended many of his speeches with the phrase,"God bless America."

Ex-President Ronald Reagan described the former Soviet Union as the "Evil Empire." When former President George Bush had his own battle with the forces of evil during the Gulf War, he was fighting Saddam Hussein. At that time, he said Saddam was "... worse than Hitler." Who could possibly be worse than Hitler but the Evil One himself?

Because of their peculiar history and culture, Americans have had a habit of seeing their personal and collective struggles in religious terms. Most of the great issues that have challenged Americans, issues like slavery, alcohol and drug abuse, "atheistic" communism and abortion, have often been seen as religious battles against evil. And those who fight evil always like to think they have God on their side.

You may be wondering how this will all end. World War III? Germ warfare? According to the Bible (Revelation 16:16), the ultimate battle between the forces of good and evil will take place at Armageddon, a plain in the northwestern part of what is now Israel. In that battle, everything, including time and space, will be destroyed. Which side will win? For those who haven't read the Book, I will spare you the suspense. Good will finally defeat evil. There will be a happy ending. In the real world, however, things usually turn out to be a lot messier.

Shukan ST: Nov. 9, 2001

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