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Goodness, greed or addiction?

By Douglas Lummis

In Japanese there is an expression which, roughly translated, would be "the fool with his single idea." In this column I have certainly earned that title. I used to write about lots of things here, but since my country began its war on terrorism I have become obsessed with it, and can't seem to write about anything else.

And here I go again.

But this time I also want to engage in a bit of self-advertisement. I have just published a book, the title of which, translated into English, would be "Why Does America Fight So Many Wars?" (Shobunsha). Much of its content has appeared, in shorter form, in this column. I hope some ST readers, especially those who disagree with me, will find time to read it.

But I must confess, I have not satisfactorily answered the question in the title. Why indeed?

There seem to be three answers: 1) America's goodness, 2) America's greed, and 3) America's addiction.

U.S. President George W. Bush's answer seems to be that America is a very good country, and is morally obligated to fight evil. Christian fundamentalists around Bush even believe that America is God's chosen country, and fights wars in God's name. Some of them even believe that the Middle East wars are the very wars prophesied in the Bible, and that fighting them will help bring on the return of Jesus Christ and the end of the world.

But others say that oil is the key. Given that Iraq is said to have enough oil to supply the United States for 100 years, and that the U.S. president and vice-president are big oilmen, surely oil is a factor. But there was no oil in Vietnam. And there was no oil in Grenada, which the United States invaded, and there is no oil in the People's Democratic Republic of Korea, which the United States has been threatening to invade. So oil isn't everything.

Some say it is the weapons industry, the so-called Merchants of Death. Of course, they are the ones who profit the most from war, no matter who wins, and no doubt their influence is huge. But that doesn't explain the enthusiasm for war shown by much of the American public, and by many GIs as well. Big money can buy votes, but it can't buy enthusiasm.

Some say that war is not a pleasure but the most intense experience one can have, more intense than drugs even. Not only the noble parts - the bravery, the brotherhood - but also the horrible parts - the brutality, the ugliness. Many people who have been in combat (it is said) find life after that drab by comparison. Combat, especially ground combat, is compared to sex, and killing to orgasm. (Perhaps that's why ground combat is so often accompanied by rape, and why the male-dominated military always keeps women out of ground combat.)

If this is true, it is only true for the invader, not for the invaded. Remember that since the Civil War (1861-65) and the smaller-scale Indian Wars at the end of the 19th Century, America has fought all its wars outside of its borders.

So which hypothesis do you choose: goodness, greed or addiction?

Shukan ST: Nov. 14, 2003

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