果たして このオチは?



There were three women waiting to be executed: a redhead, a brunette and a blonde.

The guards brought forward the redhead, and the executioner asked if she had any last requests.

She said no, and the executioner shoulted, "Ready! Aim!"

"TORNADO!" the redhead suddenly yelled. The gunmen all turned around, and she managed to escape!

The guards then brought the brunette forward. The executioner again asked if she had any last requests.

She said no, and the executioner shouted. "Ready! Aim!"

"FLOOD!" the brunette yelled. The gunmen all turned around, and she managed to escape too!

Now the blonde knew what to do. The guards brought her forward, and the executioner asked if she had any last requests.

She said no, and the executioner shouted, "Ready! Aim!"

And the blonde yelled, "□□□□!"