Mrs. Pomfrey: I sat by him night and day. I nursed him as he lay in my arms, his beautiful eyes looking up at me as if to say: how can the world be so cruel?
Paul: I'm so sorry.
Mrs. Pomfrey: And then that brazen hussy was here again, to see Mr. Vernon. I was in the kitchen at the time. I remember hearing her in the corridor, the tinkle of the bells on her anklet. And I just lost it. I called her into the kitchen and beat her to death with a salad bowl. And now she's back. Her ghost is in the house and oh, Mr. Petersen, look. Look, there she is. (faints)
Paul: Oh my ... Help! Someone ...
Aspidistra: What's going on?
Paul: (dazed) Just tell me I don't believe in ghosts.
Aspidistra: (slapping him) Snap out of it.
Paul: (babbling) Bertha, she's back from the dead. Mrs. Pomfrey killed her because of Gerald, and now she's brought her back. Listen! I have seen a dead person.
Aspidistra: And I see one very dumb person. She hasn't been feeding all that stuff about her ''baby'' to you too, has she? Well, I've got some news for you. Gerald, my dear, is her dog.
Paul: Her dog?
Aspidistra: His portraits are all over the guest rooms.
Paul: That's Gerald?
Aspidistra: Wake up and smell the doggy do, honey.
Raymond Brown is a freelance writer from the U.K., currently living in downtown Tokyo, where he pursues his passion for bonsai.
ポール:(支離滅裂になって)バーサがった。ジェラルドのためにポンフリー夫人があの少女を殺したが、また呼び戻してしまったんだ。聞いてるのか? 僕は死んだ人間を見たんだよ。
アスピディストラ:それで、私はアホンダラのあんたを見てる、ってね…。あんたも夫人の「かわいい息子」とやらの話を延々と聞かされたのね? いいこと教えてあげる。ジェラルドはね、夫人の犬よ。