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Topic du jour みんなの意見を聞かせて!

By Mina Hisada / 久田 美菜

週刊STオンラインに掲載された最近のニュース記事の中から話題性の高いものを一つ選び、そのニュースについて町の人々に意見を述べてもらいます。エンタメからシリアスなものまで、さまざまなジャンルについての町の声を音声つきで紹介していきます。「Topic du jour」とは:"du jour" はフランス語で「最新の、今最も重要な」という意味です。つまり、「今もっとも注目のトピック」というタイトルになります。

 Mina Hisada / 久田 美菜

Vol. 1: How do you feel about the recently-imposed smoking ban around 200 JR stations in and around Tokyo?

(首都圏の200あまりのJRの駅で4月1日から全面禁煙がスタートしたことについてどう思いますか? )


I think it is a move that would have someone opposing it one way or another. Having a smoking area within the station and a non-smoking area would be the best way to balance out the opposing voices from all sides.


Sakura Endo, 23, Japan


Considering the high percentage of smokers in Japan, and the abundance of cigarette advertisement, I find the smoking ban counter-productive to the general economic development. On the other hand, it will help towards the Olympic bid for 2016 and increase customers entering cafes and places with smoking areas.


Taiki Endo, 20, Japan


I think it's good, because we also do the smoking bans in Indonesia and everyone obeys it and... yeah, I feel that now Jakarta is much clearer.


Triska Sarwono, 20, Indonesia


I am happy about the ban because it's one less pollutant to inhale. If they can crack down on other air pollutants, I'd be happy too — car emissions, factories etc. We should do our best to help people have healthier lives. In a long run this saves on government funding for health care as well.


Mai Koua Thao, United States


I think it's the step in the right direction. They are following in the footsteps of many other countries who recognize smoking is unhealthy and a detriment to all.I would support any legislation banning smoking all together and I would think that Japan should be at the forefront of that fight as a modern nation in the 21st century.
There is of course the "health concerns" which is primary concern for second hand smoke and people who do not choose to smoke, because we are subjected to second hand smoke whether or not we like it or not. The Tobacco lobby is really at fault, they make a lot of money as does the governments, on the tax on a packet of cigarettes and so there is no real incentive for the government to ban smoking which is something that most people are not aware of.
The other thing is that, smoking is a habit that affects others whereas other bad habits such as drug use, fatty foods, extreme sports if that's your thing, do not affect others. If you kill yourself or if you become fat from eating too many hamburgers that's not affecting me, when you choose to smoke in an area where I am in as well and others who may not smoke, you are affecting them. Obviously, banning smoking or even prohibiting smoking in certain areas provides a mandate that needs to be upheld by some force of law whether that be police or otherwise which forces the industry underground which has problems in itself but forcing the industry underground also deprives them of the light of day which means that many people will be forced to find other jobs and perhaps less damaging businesses.
Smoking bans in other countries have been very successful. My home country, in the Netherlands, smoking is banned in all public places, including bars, which of course there was an outcry for at first, but the next generation will grow up never knowing that smoking in bars and restaurants or other public places was an option and therefore they will not miss it. If they continue to want to smoke, they can do so in the privacy of their own homes or apartments and even in designated smoking areas. But I think those are going to disappear in the long run as well because everyone recognizes and agrees that smoking is detrimental to everyone's health. Though I don't think that the government exists to ban smoking or other personal decisions, smoking has become about more than just the individual smoker. It's a large lobby with political ties and the money gained from cigarette sales, tobacco sales, help fund campaigns for politicians and I don't think the two should be related.

煙草を吸わない人たちにとって、一番迷惑なことは、「自動的に健康を侵されている」ていうのがあるとおもう。だって、喫煙者の近くにいるだけで、自分の体に害が及んでいるんだから。政府もそうだけど、タバコの圧力団体に責任があると思う。たばこの税で金儲けをしているんだから。だから、禁煙をすすめることは、政府にとっては意味のないことなんだと思う — これに気付いている人はあまりいないみたいだけれど。
もう一つ言えることは、喫煙は、特殊な習慣であるということ。それは、例えば「ドラッグ」や「偏食」や「過激なスポーツ」といった習慣とは違い、人に害を及ぼす習慣だ。たとえばだれかが自殺をしたり、ハンバーガーの食べすぎで太ってしまっても、それは自分に直接の害はない。でも、たばこを吸われると、そうはいかない。禁煙を推し進めるには法律や警察など、上からの力が必要だと思う。そうでなければ、業界は、(問題の根源でもある)アンダーグラウンドの存在とともに、より間違った方向に進んでしまうことになると思う。でも、いずれは 彼らも人体に害を及ぼさないビジネスについたり、転職せざるをえなくなる日がくると思うけれどね。

Arne Van Lamoen (Netherlands)


I think it's fantastic, I think that smoking should be banned in all enclosed spaces. In fact in Australia, you can't smoke indoors anywhere at all, you can only smoke outdoors, in a well ventilated area. I think the same thing should apply in this country too.


Luke Lucas (Australia)


I think it's all right, you know, to totally impose of smoking because, yes, truly, as I know, smoking is sometimes even worse than drug.


Ho Yue Ju (Taiwan)


We need to think about people who don't smoke and their rights, so I think it's a good thing.


Kelly Dawn Smith (United States)


Well, I think it could be a good thing, but...I don't know, for if you impose a ban around publicly open places... it's not like smoking inside a building, so everybody will have to breath the smoke, the passive smoke you're making, so if it's an open-air area, I think it's OK to smoke, so its kind of a bit too strict for me.


Marco Bogni (Italy)


この企画のお話をいただいたのが7月。その後、色々な人の声を拾っていくうちに、「へぇー、そんな考えもあるんだ、なるほどね」とか「そう・・・かな?」など 私自身色々考えさせられる点があった。『タバコは、ドラッグよりも悪いもの』という声には、「え?」と思ったけれど。考えてみれば 他の人の体に知らず知らずのうちに、害をしみこませている(しかも 吸っている本人よりその害は大きいらしい)っていう点では、「そりゃー、そうだ!」ということになるのだろう。

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