英語学習サイト ジャパンタイムズ 週刊STオンライン
『The Japan Times ST』オンライン版 | UPDATED: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 | 毎週水曜日更新!   
  • 英語のニュース
  • 英語とエンタメ
  • リスニング・発音
  • ことわざ・フレーズ
  • 英語とお仕事
  • キッズ英語
  • クイズ・パズル
  • 留学・海外生活
  • 英語のものがたり
  • 会話・文法
  • 週刊ST購読申し込み

『世界の英語教室 (小学校)』[イラン編] 小学生の英語 New!

Hello from Iran! (イランからこんにちは!) By Mina Hisada/Illustration by Puri


(This month, we feature Iran. During the bubble years - the late 1980s to the early 90's - many Iranian workers came to Japan with a "Japanese dream." There are more than 5,000 Iranians now in Japan, and most of them speak Japanese fluently. They appear to be a people who are skilled at learning foreign languages.)

  小学生の英語 第4回目の今回は、
Photos by Barbara Cwioro


(But what kind of impression do you have of their country? There are few more misunderstood countries than Iran, mostly because there is a lack of information about the country. Is a place where men and women are kept apart? Is it a closed society ruled by strict Islamic codes? Is it a desert country where snow never falls? What is the Iranian reality? What is going on in their elementary schools? How are the students, who hold the nation's future in their hands, taught? What about their English education?)


(Let's explore the language-education questions by looking at some Iranian elementary school students.)


☆ イランは多民族国家。そのため、公用語のペルシャ語のほか、トルコ語、クルド語、アラビア語などが話されています。また、高齢化社会を本格的に迎え始めた日本と反対に、若い人口がとても多く、30歳以下の人口が全人口の60%を占めています。
(Iran is a multiethnic country. Besides Farsi, the main language, Turkish, Kurdish and Arabic are spoken. Also, contrary to Japan, there is a high proportion of young people. More than 60 percent of the population is under 30.)

(Today, we have here Sepideh, who is 9 years old.)


小学生の英語 セピデ — Sepideh
(My name is Sepideh. It means " dawn" in Farsi.)


小学生の英語 メヘディ・マハダィヴィキヤ (My hero is " Mehdi Mahdavi Kiya".)

(He is a famous football Player.)


小学生の英語 日本人は頭がいい人たち。それに、欲しいものがあったらそれを手に入れようと一生懸命働く人たち。
(Japanese people are clever and they work hard to get whatever they want.)


(My treasure is my brother.)

小学生の英語 小学生の英語

小学生の英語 お医者さんになることなの。
(My dream is to become a doctor.)


小学生の英語 ピザが好き。
(I like pizza.)


小学生の英語 図工
(My favorite subject is arts and crafts.)


( I started learning English last year.)

小学生の英語 小学生の英語 小学生の英語 小学生の英語
(イスファハーン・モスク) (テヘランの雪だるま) (カシャーンの庭園)

(Today, we have here Reeyhaneh, who is 12 years old.)


小学生の英語 レイハネ-- Reeyhaneh

(My name is Reeyhaneh. I am named after a kind of flower.)


小学生の英語 イランの詩人、ソハラブ・セペリです。
(My hero is " Sohrab Sepehri", Iranian poet.)


小学生の英語 先進国。それに日本人は働き者だと思う。
(Japan is an advanced country and Japanese people are hard working.)


小学生の英語 パパとママ
(My treasure is parents.)

小学生の英語 小学生の英語

小学生の英語 お医者さんになること。
(My dream is to become a doctor.)


小学生の英語 フライドチキン
(My favorite food is fried chiken.)


小学生の英語 歴史
(My favorite subject is history.)


( I have been learning English since 4 years, at the age of 8.)

(Today, we have here Ali, who is 11 years old.)


小学生の英語 アリ--Ali
(My name is Ali. It means ' Best'.)


小学生の英語 デイビッド・ベッカム選手、歌手のブリトニー・スピアーズ、そしてイマム・アリ(イスラム教の指導者)です。
(My hero is " David Beckham", "Britney Spears" and "Imam Ali".)


小学生の英語 とても進んでいる国。日本人は規則正しくて、礼儀正しくて、アクティブな人たちだと思う。 イランの文化と似ているところがあると思うよ。
(Japan is a very advanced country. Japanese people are very orderly, polite and active. I think their culture is similar to Iranian.)


小学生の英語 僕の宝物は両親と英語の先生です。
(My treasure are my parents and my English teacher.)


小学生の英語 大きくなったら、サッカー選手になるんだ!
(My dream is to become a football player.)


小学生の英語 ピザとパスタ
(My favorite food is Pizza and Pasta.)


小学生の英語 算数と体育
(My favorite subject is Sport and Math.)


小学生の英語 半年前から習っているよ。
(I started 6 months ago.)

小学生の英語 小学生の英語 小学生の英語 小学生の英語
(バンダラアッバース郊外2) (ケシム島) (ペルシャ湾)

A typical day for Ali)(^o^)丿


7:00-7:30  朝礼(Morning assembly)
8:00-8:45 ペルシャ語(Farsi)
8:45-8:55 10分間休み(10 minutes break) (o・_・o)
8:55-9:40 算数(Math)
9:40-9:50 10分間休み(10 minutes break)(o・_・o)
9:50-10:35 ペルシャ語(Farsi)
10:35-10:45 10分間休み(10 minutes break) (o・_・o)
10:45-11:30 コーラン(Holy Qur'an)
★イランの小学校は、午前中で終わる学校と午後から始まる学校があります。 アリくんの学校は午前中で終わります。

(The difference between Iranian and Japanese elementary schools are as follows.)


●男女別学です。(The girls and boys study separately.)

●音楽の授業がない。習いたければ、個人的に音楽教室へ行くんだ。 (There is no 'music lesson'. If you want to learn it, you need to take private, individual lessons after school.)


● 小学校一年生から「コーラン(イスラム教の聖典)」の時間があるよ。
(We study the Qur'an from first grade.) 


(We also take a class called Defense for two years, from Grade 8 to Grade 9. The war between Iran and Iraq was the reason why this subject was introduced into the curriculum.)

●まずは、母国語「ペルシャ語」が大事! だから、外国語は中学生になってから習うよ。例えば中学一年生でアラビア語、英語を勉強するんだ。
(First of all, my native tongue - Farsi - is important! We will have the chance to learn foreign languages when we finish elementary school.)


(What are the characteristics of Iranian English?)


特徴 (Characteristics )

☆★特徴1(Characteristic 1)☆★

(It's difficult to pronounce 'TH", because there is no such sound in Farsi. However, it's easy for Arabs, because they have this sound in Arabic.)

☆★特徴2(Characteristic 2)☆★

☆短母音と長母音の発音がしにくい。  (It's difficult to pronounce short and long vowels.)

(For example, FOOL and FULL)

(For example , LIVE and LEAVE)

(For example, SHEEP and SHIP)

☆★特徴3(Characteristic 3)☆★

(When I say "door", it means "Cap"??)




例) イラン名物、ピスタチオを食べるMohammadとRieko。そろそろ食べ飽きたかというころの会話。
(Mohammad and Rieko are having Pistachio.They are getting tired of eating them.)

Mohammad: Could you close the door, Rieko?
(ねぇ理恵子、ドア閉めてくれない ?)


Rieko: Mmm? The door is already closed. What do you mean, Mohammad?

Mohammad:No, it's still open.
(Pointing at the cap on the jar of pistachios.)

Rieko: Oh, I see! You mean the "cap"!!

(General information on public elementary schools in Iran)

(How many students are there in a class?)
(When do you start learning English?)
12歳から(from 12 years old.)
* それまで13歳からだったのが、3年前に12歳からと改定された。 (It was modified three years ago. Back then, it was from when you were 13.)
(Is English education encouraged from an early age?)
(On average, how many hours each week do elementary school students study English?)
グレード6(中学校1年生) 週2時間
(2 hours for grade 6)
グレード7(中学校2年生) 週2時間
(7 hours for grader 7)
グレード8(中学校3年生) 週4時間
(4 hours for grade 8)
(Are most people in Iran interested in English?)
(Quite high. )
(Are there many English cram schools in Iran?)
(Are the English teachers native speakers?)
いいえ。 イラン人が教えている。
(No, there aren't.)
(Are there foreign students? If so, where are they from?)
(There is no foreign teachers.)
(There are immigrants from Afghanistan and Iraq.)
('English' might be a compulsory subject at elementary school Japan. What do you think about it?)
(Good idea.)
(Good. The more you are young, the more easier it will be for you to learn the language.)
(What is Iranian's literacy rate?)
(It's 70-80%)

Vox populi
小学生の英語 イラン人のOLが見た小学生の英語教育
このサイトに登場してくれた、セピデちゃんの叔母、ニロファーさん。 イランのコンピューター会社に勤務する会社員です。
(Niloofar is an Iranian woman who works at a computer company in Tehran. Let's listen to her opinion.)

小学生の英語 <最近のイランの英語教育>

イランでは、約30%の児童たちが塾に通い7歳から英語を習い始めています。英語とパソコンは この国でもとても大切です。私の姪、セピデも放課後は英語を習いに行っています。一週間に2回、2ヵ月で1コースが終わり、350,000リアル(4,400円)払っています。 また、小学校に上がる前にも英語を学べる塾もあり、通う子供たちもいます。そこに通って いる子供たちもいます。そこでは主にアルファベットを習います。

(About 30 percent of students learn English in cram schools from age 7, because it is important to get a knowledge of English and computers in my country. My niece, Sepideh, goes to a cram school after school and pays around 350,000rial (4,400Yen) for a term, which lasts around two months. The class is two days a week. There is a course for children below elementary school. They can learn the English alphabet there.)



(I think about 50 % of Iranian know English but they can not speak it− It does not necessary mean that they can not speak English - they just know it's gramMarch)

小学生の英語 イランの研究者から見た日本の小学生英語教育とは?
★ イランの中近東研究機関で研究員として働くバルゼルガー 博士。彼が語るイランの最近の英語事情とは?
(Dr.Barzegar is working at a middle east research center. Let's listen to his opinion.)

小学生の英語 国民全体に英語に対する関心が高まると同時に、ここ最近、特に政府も英語教育を推進してきているように思います。イランの小学校では、まだ英語は必須科目ではありませんが、日本ではもしかしたら必須になるかもしれないと聞きました。いいですね。イランでもそうなるべきだと思います。

(As the high concerning of English by Iranian citizens, the gouvernment has also promoted English education from an early age -especially recently. I heard that 'English' might be a compulsory subject at elementary school in Iran. It's great. It should be in Iran as well.)

小学生の英語 イランの通訳者からみた英語教育とは?
★ イランで英語の通訳をしているMahmoodさんが語る早期英語教育とは?
(Mahmood is a Farsi-English interpreter. What does he think about Early English Education?)
小学生の英語 イランでも、英語の塾は最近多く見られるようになってきました。 さまざまなお国事情があれ、どの国にとっても早期英語教育は当然のことだと思います。

(In Iran, there are many English cram schools nowadays. Although it will have some cultural ramifications, early English education, I think, is a must.)

小学生の英語 イランの英語の先生から見た小学生の英語教育
(Dr.Ghorbani is an English teacher at Iranian School in Tokyo. Let's hear his opinion.)
小学生の英語 <来日前に思い描いていた日本人の英語力と来日後に知った実態>


(Before coming to Japan, I am under the impression that the Japanese were much better at speaking English than they actually are, mainly because Japan has had such a close relationship with the United States. But even in Minato ward - where I live and which is well-known for being home to many foreigners- I find it difficult to find good English-speakers.)


(Japanese ineptitude in English often serves as comedic relief on television in Japan. Yet the average Japanese has undergone six years of Englihs-language instruction, taught in middle school and high school, by the time he or she becomes an adult (eight years if foreign language curricula at the university level are included). Nevertheless, the great majority of Japanese still find it daunting merely to give directios in English.)



(In order to achieve genuine results, however, it is imperative to introduce reforms in the way English is taught and tested in schoolls. One popular solution is to expand the period of English instruction, which begins in middle school now but may beginng in elementary school in the future.)


(While native speakers have already been employed to teach English at some schools, this system is clearly inadequate as the number of students simply overwhelms the number of available instructors. Furthermore, if the system should be expanded to include every school in Japan, then a veritable army of native English instructors would have to be hired. Improving the quality of teachers and reforming university entrance exams (principally by putting more emphasis on listening and speaking ) should be give priority.)

小学生の英語 イランの看護師から見た小学生の英語教育
(Maryam is a nurse. Let's listen to her opinion on the English of Iranian people and early English education in Iran.)
小学生の英語 <イランの早期英語教育について>


(In Iran, the children can start learning English from 4 years old at the cram school. They start learning very simple words like "apple","dog", "cat" and the normal greetings like "hello", "How are you?"..etc.)



(In Iran, nurse should be familiar with English. Because most of the medical text books and magazines are written in English. Especially in the City of Shiraz where I work, it's absolutely necessary to use English at hospital - cause all of the documents related to my work are required to submit in English.)


(Personally, I am very interested in learning foreign languages. The numbers of nurses who move to U.A.E, Canada or U.S.A. are increasing in Iran. It's because they chase better compensation. So, it could be the reason why they study foreign languages, such as English. I heard that there are many nurses who spend their time to learn English, because of their curiosity and for their overseas trip in Japan. I think it's interesting that We 'nurse' have same points- 'curiosity' and 'desire for learning' although we have different motivation.)

The Iranian education system


★ イランでは、義務教育は小学校1年生(6歳)から5年生(11歳)までです。
(From 6 years old to 11 years old, every Iranian person goes to elementary school.)

★ 英語は、日本でいう中学校1年生(12歳)から習い始めます。
(Students are required to study English at the age of 12. )

★ 二つの外国語-英語とアラビア語

(Before the revolution, Arabic was not mandatory but instead, English was taught at the age of 12. However, after the revolution, the situation was completely changed - Arabic became mandatory and is taught at 12 and English,at 13. )

この背景には、インターネットが普及しただけでなく、イラン固有の社会問題 - 若年層の増加があると思われます。 つまり、若者の雇用を「創出」するために、英語を使って国際社会で活躍できる人材の育成が 急務になってきたということではないでしょうか。イランも、時代に左右されながら、英語教育のあり方を模索しています。

(However,the government changed the system a few years ago. Again, English became an important foreign language in Iran. It's the the first time in 26 years that they started to teach English at 12. Behind this background, there is a diffusion of IT, but also some social problems- increasing of the population of young people(unemployment). It's beyond capacity to depend on it's oil to export other countries. Having English knowledge could be a solution for sorting out this problem. Iran and Japan is looking for a new English education system, with different background.)

(Now, let's have a look at Iran itself.)   

(Pork and Alcohol is prohibited.)

(Based on the teachings of Islam, it is prohibited to have alcohol, pork, cuttlefish, octopus, and the fish without scales.)


(Football is a National Sports)

イランでは、街のあちこちでサッカーをする子ども達の姿が見受けられます。 サッカー選手は、彼らの夢であり希望です。
(There are many children all over town who play Football.)

  小学生の英語 KYODO PHOTO

(About Hijab- Scarf)

(Women must wear hejab or chador. In the Qu'ran, it is said that you should wear a scarf outside your house, even little girls.)
(The weekend is not Saturday and Sunday, but Thursday and Friday.)

(According to Islam, Thursdays and Fridays are holidays. Saturdays and Sundays are considered weekdays.)

A typical year for a Iranian kid


1979年のイラン革命以来、政教一致をとっているイランは、その行事や休日のほとんどがイスラム教と結びついています。日本のように子供の日やそれに関係する行事というのは特にありません。子供たちにとって大切な月は学校が始まる9月、そして子供や家族にとって大切な日は新年 (ノールーズ)が始まる3月21日となります。 ※この新年は、イラン固有の宗教「ゾロアスター教」に基づいています。
(Since the Iranian revolution in 1979, Iran became the Islamic Republic of Iran. Therefore, most of their annual events and holidays are linked to Islam, and there are no such days as Children's Day or Girl's Day as in Japan. The most important time of the year for children is September, when the new school year starts. In general, March 21 is the most important day of the year, because it is the first day of the new year -"Nowrooze").



(About the relationship between Irann and Japan -in terms of historical relationship)

(Because of a lack of information, Iran is shrouded in mystery. But think about it - if the end of the Silk Road was Japan, the starting point must have been, yes, Persia, which is now called Iran. The relationship between the two countries can still be seen in the relics stored in the Shosoin, Nara Pref., in Japan. Perhaps, Persian people came to Japan at the time too.)

(When you hear the word Iran, it brings to mind a hardness and a toughness. But when you hear the word Persia, it sounds soft, doesn't it?)

('Iran' is used as a country's name from 1935. Since the invasion of Arabs, they are forced to be changed their characters and religion as Arabs. (Athough they are minority, there are still Christianity and Judaism, Zoroastriarism in Iran.)


(The Iranians have accepted Islam, but they consider themselves different to the Arabs. They are proud to be Persian. Being an Aryan race, their appearance is similar to Europeans, but inside they are typical Asians - "love" and "sentiment" are considered very important. Their culture has many things in common with Japan, such as "kotatsu" and "futon" . When you think about the geography - the two countries are both situated in the same continent of Asia - this should come as no surprise.)

*言葉と言語教育について (About the language and it's education)

(First of all, the common language in Iran is not Arabic but Farsi. Since the invasion of Islam, the Iranians have been forced to use Arabic script. Farsi may seem like Arabic at first glance, but it belongs to a totally different language group to the Indoeuropean languages. Grammatically, it is similar to English and French.)

(English used to be taught in Grade 8 - when the children were 13 years old. But for the last three years, it has been taught from Grade 7, when the children are 12 years old. It means that Iranian children have to learn two different foreign languages - Arabic and English - at the age of 12. Isn't it difficult to master two languages at the same time? But it doesn't seem to be a problem. Arabic is already in their culture and they are used to seeing it from Grade 1 in their Qur'an classes. Besides, they used the same script for their native tongue.)


(Sepideh, Reeyhaneh and Ali, who cooperated with this site this time are good examples of it. If you go to the book stores in Tehran, you will find so many English text books for kids. You wil notice how they are interested in learning English as earlyl age. Following to the chang of the exam's systems, speaking and listening are taught in focus. The forward looking agenda which Japan and Iran faces in English education seems quite similar.)

英語のニュース |  英語とエンタメ |  リスニング・発音 |  ことわざ・フレーズ |  英語とお仕事 |  キッズ英語 |  クイズ・パズル
留学・海外就職 |  英語のものがたり |  会話・文法 |  執筆者リスト |  読者の声 |  広告掲載
お問い合わせ |  会社概要 |  プライバシーポリシー |  リンクポリシー |  著作権 |  サイトマップ