実はこの英語教室には先生がいません。先生から何かを教わるのではなく、各自が好きなテーマを決めて、皆でそのテーマについて英語で話し合ったり、考えたりするからです。使う教材やテーマを決める先導役は皆の中から選ばれ、"Chairman" と呼ばれます。今回の Chairman は Nobuko さんです。Nobuko さんは教材として『世界の英語教室』を選びました。
今回のテーマ: "English education in Japan, Singapore, France and Iran"
フランス、日本、シンガポール、イランの各回の PART4 部分
(General information on public elementary schools around the world.)
<まずChairman は、A〜Dがどの国のことなのか、メンバーに尋ねます>
Nobuko: Which country's which? Look at the questionnaire, and match the country to its English education system.
Member 1:"A "is definately not Japan.
Nobuko: Why?
Member 1: Because there are no immigrants from Afghanistan or Iraq in Japan.
Member 2: C might be Japan, because of it's high literacy rate.
<そして、Chairman がまとめに入る>
Nobuko: OK! Let's see which is Country A. Who think it is Japan? If so, Why?
All the members: Because of its high literacy rate.
What are the disadvantage of English education in Japan?
<暗記中心主義- learning by rote>
Member A: It focuses too much on learning by rote.
We have to learn lists of words ? like, "I, my, me, mine" ? and memorizing these lists makes learning English really exhausting.
<ローマ字の弊害- Influenced in a bad way by romaji>
Member B: We're influenced in a bad way by romaji spelling.
Romaji accustoms us to pronounce Roman letters in a way that is different to English, and that makes learning proper English pronunciation difficult.
I know. For example, once my classmates laughed at me for reading "mike" as "mi-ke" and not "mai-ku."
<教科書- textbook>
Member C: Is there more interesting text book?
It reminds me of an article that was in the Asahi Shimbun in June 2004. It was about a new textbook, which will be published by Sanseido in 2005. According to the article, there will an essay written by a high-school student in it, which deals with the student's volunteer work experience in the Philippines. It's rare for a high-school student's essay to be used in a textbook, and so it received a great deal of media attention.
Textbooks usually contain information about historic events or the historic achievements of people in the past. But this lacks a sense of reality for those of us living now, while the article by the high-school student (who is probably working or studying at university now) feels closer to our lives. It motivates us to study English. The traditional textbooks are fine in and of themselves, but I think it is also valuable to include these sorts of articles as well.
When it comes to history textbooks, Japan is under a huge of amount of pressure from Asian countries. What about English textbooks then? Why don't we share English textbooks and learn to say similar things, so that we can have more things in common and feel closer to each other? English could be used as a tool to strengthen the sense of unity among Asians. I think we need courage to reflect our own age in our education, and thereby look forward toward the future.
私が子供のころは、英語とはアメリカ人やイギリス人と会話するための言葉(English as a Native language)でした。それがたった20数年で、国際語としての英語(English as a International language)に変ぼうしたのです。
As a child, I, like many people, saw English as a language for communicating with Americans or British people. Only after 20 years did the attitude toward English change. It began to be seen as a more international, global language. Japanese people use English to talk with non-native English speakers more than, say, Americans or British people, which may explain why they are more aware of English as a global language.
So let's conclude with Mr. A's story.
<国際語としての英語--English as a International language>
Member A:
Before I learned English because I wanted to communicate with, say, Australians, British, Americans, etc.Now, English is an international language, and if you can speak English, you can communicate to a certain extent with the people of nearly every country in the world, whether it be India, China or Iran.That said, getting used to their accents can be a challenge, but it is a challenge that I'd like to meet. I'd like to communicate in English with more people from around the world, so that I can adapt better to different accents.
ご協力してくださった皆さんと、 授業の後で・・・。