英語学習サイト ジャパンタイムズ 週刊STオンライン
『The Japan Times ST』オンライン版 | UPDATED: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 | 毎週水曜日更新!   
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『世界の英語教室 (小学校)』 「番外編・フィンランドの教科書」
"English textbook for elementary school students in Finland"

      By Mina Hisada/Illastaration by Puri
(Japanese children are not the only ones to suffer from bullying, body image issues and fatigue. Children around the world have to face these problems every day. English textbooks in Finland deal directly with these issues, and let's have a look at how they do this.)

(※In Finland, English education normally starts from grade 3.)

(Firstly, let's have a look at a textbook for grade 3 and 4 elementary school students. They feature many stories about animals.)

(Below is the textbook for grade 3 students.)

小学生の英語 ■「うさぎとかめ」
("The Hare and the Tortoise")

小学生の英語 ■金の卵
("The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs" )  
小学生の英語 ■だちょうとオオカミ
("The Goose and Wolf" )

筆者のコメント: 手始めにイソップ物語のぐう話が掲載されている。日本の英語教科書でも、例えば、「日本の昔話」を載せるというのはどうだろうか?

Comment: The textbook includes Aesop's Fables. Suggestion: How about putting Japanese folk tales in English textbooks in Japan?


(Below is the textbook for grade 5 and 6 elementary school students. The contents are based on the kids' daily life.)

(Below is a grade 6 textbook.)

(Kids write to school nurse Ria, using assumed names, about the problems they are facing. Ria writes back giving them advice.)

☆<悩み相談その1- いじめ編>
(Problem 1- bullying)

Dear Ria,
I have been in this school for nearly two months.
I've had difficulties with some of the pupils. What can I do?
Yours, Tiny Tears
  小学生の英語 ↑全文はこちらをクリック!

Dear Tiny Tears,
We have had very little bullying so far in this school. But, it can happen.
We must stop bullies - and quick!
(いじめは絶対にだめ! すぐになくさなければ!)
You must tell your teacher.
Love, Ria

☆<悩み相談その2- 体型編>
(Problem 2 - "body image issues" )

Dear Ria,
I've had a weight problem ever since I was born.
Other children have always made fun of me, particularly the skinny ones.
  小学生の英語 ↑全文はこちらをクリック!

Dear Walrus,
Anyway, the right kind of food, lots of exercise and lots and lots of fun will help. There are many ways of helping you.
(きちんとした食事と運動と楽しみが大事。いろんな解決方法があるわ。 )
And don't worry about those skinny-lazies. They have their own problems.
( それに・・・気にしちゃだめ。彼らには彼らの悩みがあるんだから。)
Love, Ria

☆<悩み相談その3- 疲労編>
(Problem 3 - "Fatigue")

Dear Ria,
I'm tired all the time at school.
I've been particularly tired on Mondays.
( 特に月曜日がダメです。)
What's wrong with me?
Yours, Sleepy Head
  小学生の英語 ↑全文はこちらをクリック!

Dear Sleepy Head,
What have you been doing at the weekends?
Try to go to bed before 9 o'clock every night.
Take a book to bed with you and read yourself to sleep, if necessary.
Love, Ria

コメント:この悩み相談コーナーでは、手紙の書き方("Dear 〜 で始まり、 "Love, 〜" "Yours,〜" などで終わる)が学習できるようになっている。
Comment: Here, students can learn about how to write a letter in English. Letters start with "Dear 〜" and end with "Love, 〜"  Yours, 〜"   .

"Pinch yourself and know how others feel." (わが身をつねって人の痛さを知れ)ということわざを紹介している。 (The proverb "Pinch yourself and know how others feel," which crops up in the bullying section, is taken from Japanese. It originally appeared in a picture of sumo wrestlers.) 小学生の英語


(Conversation between two students:
One is good at computers, and the other is bad at computers and has an inferiority complex about that.)

Title: (What's the problem?)

Story: Karina is the best student for using Internet and Personal Computer in a class. Josh thinks he is the worst among them, for that. (Actually, he just needs to be more tenacious! He gives up so quickly.)

Josh: I'm no good at this. I give up.
Karina: What's the problem, Josh? Is there anything I can do to help?
Josh: I always get lost on the Internet.
Karina: Perhaps you should do things more slowly. There's no rush, you know.

  小学生の英語 ↑全文はこちらをクリック!

Karina: Let me have a look. Oh, you're right. We'lll have to restart the computer.
Josh: Boring. I've had enough of computers for today. I'm going to find a good book to read.
Karina: OK. Have it your way!.... That's strange. Nothing happened when I clicked the restart command.
Josh: Oh no. It's some kind of virus on the Internet.

  小学生の英語 ↑全文はこちらをクリック!

筆者のコメント:ここでもことわざ登場。"Knowledge is power. " (知は力なり)
Comment: Here, we have another proverb: "Knowledge is power."


(Learn some expressions from an English textbook from Finland.)

It can happen.

⇒"We have had very little bullying so far in this school. But, it can happen."

There's no rush.
⇒"Perhaps you should do things more slowly. There's no rush, you know."

Have it your way!
"Have it your way! "(お好きなように!)


わー! 何て興味深いのだろう! まるでどこかの国のお昼の番組のように「お悩み相談室」が英語の教科書に載せられている。この教科書には、当然のことながら賛否両論あるだろう。あまりに画期的すぎると思う人、実践的だと思う人、やりすぎではないかと思う人、これが私の教科書だったら今ごろ英語が好きになっただろうに!と思う人…。
 「思う」のはわれわれに与えられた特権。何を思ったっていい。何を感じたっていい。ただ、これだけこなれた実践的な会話が掲載された教科書が使える背景には、一つには普段から生の英語に触れている--字幕スーパー付きのテレビ番組がほとんど--ことが挙げられるだろう。いわゆる"This is a pen." " Is this your pencil?"といったお堅い教科書で教育された私にとって、物珍しく、ある意味うらやましい教科書であった。

(Wow! This is interesting. It's like they've combined a daytime talk show and English textbook, and presents both sides of each issue. This might not be to everyone's taste, but an equal number of people think it's practical, appropriate, and that if they'd just had a similar textbook when they were learning English, they would have actually liked learning English. That's just their opinion. We can think whatever we want to think, we can feel whatever we want to feel, that's our prerogative.
But whatever they say, it's undeniable that the English found in Finnish textbooks is natural, and I think the reasons for this stems from a similar approach to television, where all programs in English are subtitled rather than dubbed. My own English education was very much of the "this is a pen" or "is that your pencil?" school of artificial, stilted English, and I look at what the Finnish are doing and I can't help but feel a little jealous.)

英語のニュース |  英語とエンタメ |  リスニング・発音 |  ことわざ・フレーズ |  英語とお仕事 |  キッズ英語 |  クイズ・パズル
留学・海外就職 |  英語のものがたり |  会話・文法 |  執筆者リスト |  読者の声 |  広告掲載
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