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A traditional Akita remedy for colds: "Ginger Tea "
答えてくれるのは、 雪国・秋田に住む聡子(10歳)ちゃんです。
In Japan, we're going to be talking to Satoko( 10years old), who lives in Akita, northern part of Japan.

用意するもの(1人分) Ingredients (serve one):

1.しょうが ひとかけら Ginger About one inch
2.片栗粉  大さじ1杯 Katakuriko starch One tablespoon
3. 砂糖   大さじ1杯 Sugar One tablespoon

作り方 How to make it:

1. しょうがをきざみ、絞り汁を作る Slice and press the ginger for juice.

2. コップ1杯のお湯をわかす Boil one cup of water.

3.沸騰したら、片栗粉とショウガ汁と砂糖を加える Once it starts boiling, add the katakuriko, the ginger juice and the sugar.

4.できあがり! And voila! Enjoy!

<ちょっとひとこと> Notes:

Eating roasted cloves of garlic or wrapping roasted spring onions in gauze and tying it round your neck before bed are two other remedies for colds.

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