A traditional Bhutanese remedy for colds is
" tansy juice"
In Bhutan,we'll be talking to Tshering Pem (11 years old)
from Thimpu.
In Bhutan, when people catch a cold, they drink fresh tansy juice.
ツェリン・ペムちゃん |
用意するもの(1人分) Ingredients (serve one):
1.新鮮なよもぎの葉っぱ(Fresh sagebrush)
コップ1杯分 Fresh tansy leaves One cup
作り方 How to make it:
1. よもぎを洗って丁寧につぶす Wash the tansy leaves and carefully crush
※ ブータンでは、唐辛子などをつぶすためときに「木の棒」を使う
(In Bhutan, we crush the tansy leaves with a wooden pestle, like we use for chili.)
2.つぶしたものを絞る Squeeze the juice out of the crushed leaves
3.沸騰したら、片栗粉とショウガ汁と砂糖を加える Once it starts boiling, add the katakuriko, the ginger juice and the sugar.
And voila. Enjoy.
<ちょっとひとこと> Notes:
You can add some hot or cold water if you don't like the taste.
☆ よもぎの葉っぱは、おできややけどのときにも張って使えるよ。
To cure boils and burns, stick some tansy leaves on the affected area.