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『The Japan Times ST』オンライン版 | UPDATED: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 | 毎週水曜日更新!   
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  • 英語とエンタメ
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『世界の英語教室 (小学校)[番外編]
What's the problem? English education at elementary schools. On-site report   
By Mina Hisada/Illustration by Puri


Recently, I was at a bookstore and I saw a poster that said, "Teaching English as a compulsory subject at elementary schools to start in 2007." I was surprised. It's not official yet. In Asia - in countries such as South Korea, Taiwan and China - English has been introduced into elementary schools for a few years now. Why does it take so long in Japan?


I attended two symposiums on the subject, one at Keio University and the other at Doshisha University, and it was there that I got to know the reasons.

What is communication, and why English?

意見A:英語教育というと、特に「国際理解」や「コミュニケーション能力を養うため」という言葉が伴いがち。でも、国際理解は何も英語でなくてもできるはずだし、コミュニケーション能力も同じのはず。なぜ、国語教育でコミュニケーション能力が問われず、英語にだけ問われるのだろうか。なぜ 国語教育と英語教育を別個のものととらえるのだろうか。「言語教育」としてとらえるべきではないか?

Comment A: When people talk about English education, you'll often hear them mention "international understanding" or "the development of communication skills" as though these things could be accomplished through the study of English. This is obviously not the case, and I don't see why "international understanding" and "communication skills" need only be used in reference to English. Why not to Japanese and general language learning as well?


Comment B: These days, a whole day can go by without you having to say a word. Say you go to a convenience store: you don't have to say anything to the staff there. You can also buy juice at a vending machine, you can buy tickets at a vending machine, and you don't have to say a word. It's the same for kids these days too. Look at the games they play; they don't have to talk when they play. That's why communication should be taught at schools, and English might be a good means to do that.

What about the teachers?


Comment A: I admire elementary school teachers in Japan. They teach everything alone - P.E., music, math, Japanese, everything! But you have to remember that some teachers become elementary school teachers so they don't have to teach English. So making English compulsory would be a pity for the teachers - and for the kids as well.

意見B:英語教育のために年間一人500万円という莫大な費用をかけて英語圏からALT(Assistant Language Teacher)を呼ぶわけだ。しかし、本当に満足して帰国するALTはどれだけいるのだろうか。この費用を日本の先生にあてて、海外研修をさせてもいいのではないだろうか。先生自身に、異国でのカルチャーショックが必要だと思う。

Comment B: About ¥5 million is spent on assistant language teachers (ALT) from English-speaking countries each year. Yet how many of these teachers return to their countries satisfied that they have done their job right? Isn't it worth investing sum of that money into training Japanese teachers abroad? Teachers here need the "culture shock" of studying abroad.


Comment C: Teachers don't have to speak English fluently. They need to try and communicate with ALTs, which will in turn inspire the students.

<課題-6つの重要な点 - Six important points

1. 目標の明確化と具体化 - Clarification of goals

Comment A: To improve communication skills is unclear as a goal.

Comment B: What scares me is the idea that English will be made compulsory in elementary schools because everyone just takes it for granted that that's the best idea.

2. カリキュラムの基準化と柔軟化 - Standardization and flexibility of curriculum

CommentA: If we don't take this into account, we'll be faced with a growing gap in student ability, and this may cause some serious problems in the future.

3. 教員養成の十分な支援体制が必要 -Teacher training

意見A:もっとも大事なことです! 英語の基礎力を高める研修が必要です。
Comment A: This is the most important thing. Teachers must undergo more training in basic English ability.

意見B:ALT と一緒に研修を受けるべきだと思います。
Comment B: They should be taught by ALTs.

Comment C: In South Korea, teachers are taking training courses in foreign countries. They realize that their teachers need the experience of studying abroad.

4. 日本の実情にあった独自の早期外国語教授法の構築 - Teaching methods that are appropriate to Japan

Comment: Western teaching method are not necessarily the best method for Japan. The method we end up adopting must fit out culture, and I don't think we should teach English in any way differently to the way other subjects are taught here.

5. 評価の問題 - Assessment

Comment A: It's necessary to present each junior high student with correct data. The key point is how to do that. Written assessment isn't enough.

Comment B: We have to see how the students participate in class.


6. 中学校との連携 - Connecting with junior high school teachers

Comment A: Elementary school teachers should meet with junior high school teachers to discuss problems. In reality, this does not happen often.

※ 筆者のコメント:この点、台湾では教師同士の議論の場が多く設けられ、その現場の声が教科書に反映され、柔軟に対応がなされているそうです。この点は、将来「台湾編」を特集する際にご紹介できたらと思います。
Writer's comment: In Taiwan, it's been done and the discussions are reflected in the contents of the textbooks. For ore details, see Kids English (Taiwan)

Comment B: If English becomes a compulsory subject at elementary schools, you have to re-think the whole system of English education — from elementary school to university.


Comment C: The kids might hate English in junior high school — because of the gap in the way English is taught in elementary school and junior high school.

Writer's comment: Actually, this is one problem that's evident in South Korea. For more details, see Kids English (South Korea).

Comment D: The textbooks/curriculum should be created by the teachers themselves.


"So why does it take so much time to bring English into the elementary school curriculum? It's because we don't have enough data from the past. We can't allow for mistakes, so that's why we need more time." So says the Ministry of Education.

"If the teachers are so busy worrying about how to teach their class, the students won't enjoy themselves." I agree. It's important to give it some time. I agree with the earlier comment that it's a terrifying idea that English education will be introduced into the elementary school curriculum just because other countries are doing the same thing. We need to first ask ourselves: is English necessary in elementary school?

The rest of the discussion will be featured on another occasion.

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