『世界の英語教室 (小学校)』[韓国編]
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Hello from South Korea! (韓国からこんにちは!)
By Mina Hisada/Illustration by Puri
(This month, we feature South Korea (official name: Republic of Korea). It takes only two and half hour from Narita to Seoul by plane. Koreans are well-known for being passionate about English education. For nine years now (from 1997), English has been taught to elementary school students from Grade 3.)
(Korean word order is the same as Japanese, and so its grammar is quite different from English. Having a common background, Japanese and Koreans have similar problems learning English. How do they deal with this?)
(While Japan discusses whether or not English is necessary at all in Japanese elementary school, South Korea is pressing ahead to start English education in Grade 1 of elementary school. This plan is set to start in 2008. )
(Why are they focusing so much on early English education? What are its merits and its demerits? Let's explore the background to these questions by talking to one elementary school student.)
第7回目の今回は、韓国の小学生にスポットライトを 当てます。
![小学生の英語](/graphics/lesson/20060725/together-koreankids0909.jpg) |
Hello from South Korea |
![小学生の英語](/graphics/lesson/20060725/kindergarden.jpg) |
ソウル市内の幼稚園にて |
![小学生の英語](/graphics/lesson/20060725/church.jpg) |
ソウル市内の教会 |
(The population of South Korea is about 48,000,000. One in four South Koreans is Christian, whereas only one percent of the Japanese population is Christian. It's said that Christianity spread after South Korea declared independence from Japan in 1945 and after the Korean War in 1953. "Confucianism," however, remains the traditional mindset, even though it comes second only to the Philippines as the most Christian country in Asia.)
(Today, we have here Min-ju , who is 9 years old.)
ミンジュ --Min-Ju (9 years old).
(My name is Min-Ju.)
"Min" means "develop", "Ju" means "Pillar".
(Recently, young parents have started giving their children names that use Korean letters, not Chinese letters.)
(My hero is "my parents.")
("Appa" means "Dad" and "Onma" means "Mum.")
(About Japan: Animation? I don't know. It's in Asia like my country, right?)
Photos by Hirotsugu KOSHIN
![小学生の英語](/graphics/lesson/20060725/seoul.jpg) |
![小学生の英語](/graphics/lesson/20060725/red-stone.jpg) |
![小学生の英語](/graphics/lesson/20060725/kaiin-ji.jpg) |
![小学生の英語](/graphics/lesson/20060725/michi.jpg) |
(紅島の岩石) |
(海印寺) |
(安東河回村・儒教の色彩が残る村・多くの両班を生み出している) |
A typical week for Min-ju. (^o^)丿
(Click here!)
● 国語のクラスは4つにわかれています。
(Korean lessons are divided into four components.)
(Depending on the school, children can study foreign languages other than English. Chinese is most popular, followed by Japanese.)
(To be able to communicate in English is the main goal of the English education system there. In Grade 3, listening and writing are the main components. The alphabet is not taught at this stage. The children learn about 80 to 120 words in total.)
Photos by Hirotsugu KOSHIN
![小学生の英語](/graphics/lesson/20060725/keifuku.jpg) |
![小学生の英語](/graphics/lesson/20060725/bukkokuji.jpg) |
![小学生の英語](/graphics/lesson/20060725/kuroyama2.jpg) |
![小学生の英語](/graphics/lesson/20060725/kids-toku-jyumiya-mae.jpg) |
(仏国寺) |
(黒山島) |
(徳寿宮前にて) |
(Konglish and its features)
★特徴1(Characteristic 1)★
(English words are pronounced with a Korean accent.)
Example) 1
coffee →コッピ
cheese →チズ
(For example: coffee→koppi、cheese→chizu)
(The accent usually falls on the first syllable, for imported words.)
Example) 2
(For example: Parking, Television, Towel)
★特徴2(Characteristic 2)★
☆ FをPと発音しがちである
(F is pronounced as P)
Example) 1:イフ→イプ、フランス→プランス、など。
For example, If → IP, France → Prance
I was in France last year.
★特徴3(Characteristic 3)★
(Articles are left out.)
(Like Japanese, there are no articles in Korean.)
(Mr. Morita was a lecturer in Japanese at a university in South Korea. Let's hear his opinion on Korean English.)
韓国語も文法構造が「主語・目的語・動詞」の順番なので、文法面でも日本人の英語のような間違いがあります。また「私は東京に住んでいます」を、日本語で「私は東京です」と言えることから、I am TOKYO.と言う人がいますが、同様の間違いを韓国でも耳にします。それに韓国語もRとLの区別がないので、日本人と同様の現象が起きています。韓国語も外来語がたくさん入ってきていますが、英語の「F」を「ピ」に近い音で発音するため、FILM PHONE FRANCE は、それぞれピルム、ポン、プランスのように発音されます。
(Korean has the same sentence structure as Japanese: subject, object, then verb. Hence, Koreans tend to make similar mistakes as the Japanese when it comes to using English. For example, instead of saying, "I live in Tokyo," Japanese people sometimes say, "I am Tokyo" — a literal translation of the Japanese. Koreans make the same mistake. They also have trouble pronouncing R and L, and they also pronounce F as P. For example, "film" sound like "pilm," "phone" sounds like "pone," and "France" sounds like "Prance." But Korean has more consonants, vowels and closed syllables than Japanese. I think that's why their pronunciation and their listening skills are better than the Japanese. They are also good at singing, even rap.)
Photos by Hirotsugu KOSHIN
![小学生の英語](/graphics/lesson/20060725/park.jpg) |
![小学生の英語](/graphics/lesson/20060725/pusan1.jpg) |
![小学生の英語](/graphics/lesson/20060725/pusan2.jpg) |
![小学生の英語](/graphics/lesson/20060725/pusan3.jpg) |
(釜山市内) |
(釜山漁港) |
(釜山・チャガルチ市場) |
(General information on public elementary schools in South Korea)
(How many students are there in a class?) |
35人以下 (Less than 35) |
(When do you start learning English?) |
(At the age of 8, Grade 3)
(Is English education from an early age encouraged by the government?) |
(On average, how many hours each week does elementary school students study English?)
(one to three hours )
(Are English teachers native speakers?) |
(Hardly any at public elementary schools. )
(Are there English cram schools in South Korea?) |
(Yes. There are many. )
(Are there foreign students? If so, where are they from?) |
(Not many. But there are lots of Korean children who go abroad to study English.)
(Are there foreign students? If so, where are they from?) |
(In South Korea, an elementary school teacher teaches all subjects, unlike in junior high school and high school. So, if an elementary school teacher wants to teach English, then he or she can teach English. At least, this used to be the case. Now there's more pressure from parents to improve their children's English, and so many schools are employing teachers specifically to teach English. It's the same with some of the other subjects, like music and P.E. These teachers have to take specialized training courses organized by the government.)
★識字率を教えて! (What is Your country's literacy rate?) |
97%以上 (Over 97% )
Photo Courtesy by Mikio SHIGA
![小学生の英語](/graphics/lesson/20060725/english-village-ansan-1.jpg) |
![小学生の英語](/graphics/lesson/20060725/english-village-ansan-2.jpg) |
![小学生の英語](/graphics/lesson/20060725/english-village-paju-1.jpg) |
![小学生の英語](/graphics/lesson/20060725/english-village-paju-3.jpg) |
(アンサンの英語村・ 中に入るとこんな感じです) |
(パジュの英語村) |
(パジュの英語村・ クラスの様子) |
■PART 5 韓国の教育制度
(The South Korean Education System)
(It's required by law that all children go to the school between the age of 6 and
(If children excel, they can start at age five.)
(English is taught from Grade 3, from the age of eight.)
(English may be taught from Grade 1 from 2008. Some people are against it. They are concerned about the children's ability in their mother tongue.)
(When students reach high school, they can choose to study another foreign language: French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, and Arabic.)
(Depending on the school, they may also have the chance to study a second foreign language while at junior high school.)
■PART 6 人々の声 Vox populi
韓国の主婦が語る、現地英語事情とは? ★
(Minkyung is in her 30s and she has studied Montessori in the United States. Her generation didn't study English at elementary school. What is her opinion? )
(Prenatal program)
(The prenatal program is popular in South Korea. Also, most parents have their kids study English at preschool, focusing more on speaking. Most preschool have English classes and teach English through other activities, such as cooking or music. )
( Why "English Village" has been established in South Korea?)
(Many parents are so desperate for their children to learn English that they send them abroad, to the United States, Australia, New Zealand, etc. The father usually stays in Korea earning money, while the mother usually goes with the child, and usually they go for about a year. This is common among middleclass families. I think this phenomenon led to the creation of English Village in Korea.)
(Montessori is a teaching method for young children, introduced by Maria Montessori in Italy. The kids use all five senses to learn, with the aid of some special tools. This method is disseminated around the world, but is mainly practiced in the United States.)
(See Part 6 for more on "English Village")
(Mr. Shiga is an assistant professor at the University of Electro-Communications. He is also a senior general manager at the Japan International Education Society. Let's hear his opinion.)
(Language education in South Korea)
(In Japan, we still haven't decided whether English will be taught at elementary schools. In South Korea, they are already teaching elementary school children English, although not everyone agrees that this is wise. Currently, students choose to study a second foreign language when they are in high school. Most prefer Chinese or Japanese to German or French. Interest in foreign languages is also rising with the growth in the number of international marriages - especially among people from rural areas. Also foreign languages are important for dealing with immigrant workers in South Korea.)
(Gunn is an uncle of Min-ju. Let's hear his opinion on early English education.)
(The earlier the better)
(Studying English from when they're six? If they want to work with English native speakers or live in an English — speaking culture in the future, it's not too early. Though, if I were a child, I would say, "No, thank you," because I'd rather spend time playing with friends and relaxing.)
(Kahon studies in France now. She was in the third grade when English was introduces to elementary schools. Let's hear her opinion.)
( Focus on memorizing by rote in junior high school)
(I was in third grade when I started studying English at school. Schools used to start teaching English later, but the government decided that it would be best to start learning English from Grade 3. My generation was the first to go through this system. There were no teachers from English-speaking countries in my school. My teacher taught us using games and songs. I liked that. It was fun. But once I started going to the junior high, everything changed. I had to memorize so much, an unnecessary amount, and it became boring.)
(The teaching method is important)
(I do think six is too young to start learning English. I think the government and parents expect students to become fluent in English, whereas all we need to do is to learn to speak well when we meet a foreigner.)
■PART 7 韓国の子供の一年間 A typical year for Korean Kids
![小学生の英語](/graphics/lesson/20060725/korean-kids.jpg) Photo courtesy by Haruna Kosaka |
Holidays that are popular among Korean kids are:
5th of May- because I can stay with my family !
1st of January - because I can get money from adults!
Christmas! - I can get presents!
(On May 5, there is no special decoration, such as koinobori, in South Korea.
On this day, children spend time with their family, having picnics in the park or enjoying a traditional play.)
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