How can I say in English?
ALT としてシドニーから6年前に来日したレヴェラント先生(現在、愛媛県済美高校勤務)は、「4年間の公立小学校での実践報告(コミュニケーション学習)」と題して発表しました。生徒たちは日本語だと問題ないのに、英語になった途端に話せなくなったそうです。きちんとコミュニケーションをとれたのは、100人中たったの1〜2人だったとか。ショックを受けた先生は、「コミュニケーション学習」を英語の授業で取り入れ始めます。
(Mr. Peter Revelant, who teaches at Saibi High School in Ehime Prefecture, gave us a presentation called "A Report on Communication Training at a Public Elementary School Over Four Years."
Mr. Revelant came to Japan six years ago, as an assistant language teacher.
He is very aware that many of his students just freeze or give up when they try to communicate in English. Only one or two out of a hundred could use communication strategies to make up for the lack of their verbal English skills. This shocking fact prompted him to incorporate communication training into his classes.)
(Communication training involves learning how to communicate with someone in a language other than their mother tongue through a role-play system.
Below are two sample situations:)
場面設定の例: ホストファミリーの家/飛行機の中
Example 1: Host family's house
Example 2: On an airplane
困っている人を演じるのは?: ALT
Roles: The ALT plays a Japanese student in Australia in Example 1, and a Japanese passenger in Example 2.
担任の先生 (役:ホストファーザー/客室乗務員)
The home-room teacher plays the non-Japanese speaker.
In Example 1, he could be the host father; in Example 2 he could be the flight attendant.
The role of the students is to help the character played by the assistant language teacher.
最初の課題は、「僕はオーストラリアにホームステイ中です。排便が終わった後にトイレットペーパーがないことに気付きました。ホストファーザーは隣の部屋にいます。さて、どうしたらいい?」です。そして次に「飛行機に乗っていて、客室乗務員にお水を持ってきてもらいたいと思っています。でも日本語が通じません。どうしたらいい?」といった実際に起こりそうな課題が出され、これを困っている人役の ALT が生徒たちに日本語で問いかけます。
Oh,my god!それからどうする?
Example 1: You are staying at a host family in Australia. You're in the bathroom and just as you're about to leave, you realize that there is no more toilet paper. You know that your host father is in the next room. What do you do?
Example 2: On the plane, you want to ask for water from a flight attendant who does not know any Japanese. What do you do?
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子供たちは果敢に課題に取り組み、ジェスチャーや片言の英語で「困っている人」を助けようとします。でも"Paper! Paper!" と叫んだら、トイレットペーパーではなく、新聞紙を出されてしまったりして、「コミュニケーションって難しいんだ」ということを実感していきます。「その誤解が生まれる原因を考えさせるのも、コミュニケーション学習の目的の一つ」―これは、会場にいらした慶応大学の大津由紀雄先生のご指摘です。
(The kids respond by using gestures and some English words. In Example 1, they will then receive newspaper instead of toilet paper. "It is important to let them think 'why' they were given a different thing," says Dr. Yukio Otsu from Keio University.)
(Now let's have a listen to an interview with Mr.Revelant.)
Peter Revelant先生
(Why did you start incorporating コミュニケーション体験学習 (communication training) into your class?)
(At the time, I was teaching at both elementary school and junior high school. While the junior high school students had no problem communicating with me in Japanese, when I addressed them in English they would usually either freeze up or give up. This was just as true of the students with high English marks as it was for those with low marks. Only one or two students out of a hundred could use other communication strategies to make up for their lack of verbal English ability. One of the causes of this problem was that the students had not been taught how to use various communication strategies to overcome communication problems. So I decided to use one or two lessons each year to teach communication strategies during English lesson at elementary school.)
(How was the result? How was the reaction of the students?)
(There were a few bumps to iron out in the teaching methodology, but after a few revisions I managed to come up with a successful lesson plan. The most immediate result was that the students enjoyed the lesson very much. Furthermore, survey results showed that they felt more confident that they would be able to communicate with a foreign person as a result of the lesson.)
(The most important result, however, took a little longer to show. When these elementary school students graduated and entered junior high school, they showed a marked difference in strategic communicative ability compared to their seniors. By using non-verbal communication techniques and paraphrasing, we were able to smooth over communication difficulties during our regular English lessons, which meant that the lesson as a whole went much more smoothly. The original problem had been solved.)
(What do you think should be the goals of English education in Japan?)
日本の英語教育における主な目的というのは、英語を使って自分たちの人生をより豊かにしていくということにあると思います。これはどういうことかというと、例えば、マネージメントやビジネスにおける交渉、旅行や情報収集などさまざまな場面において 英語でやりとりするといったことです。こういった一連のことに共通しているのは、「コミュニケーション」が必要とされるということです。日本の英語教育は、暗記などよりも、このコミュニケーション力にもっと重点をおくべきだと思います。
(The main goals for English education in Japan should be that students are able to improve their lives through use of the English language. They might do this in a number of contexts, for example, management, business negotiation, travel, information gathering, etc. All of these contexts require some form of communication. So I believe that English education in Japan should stress communicative purposes over rote learning and symbol manipulation.)
Do you have any advice to elementary school teachers who have difficulties in teaching English?
(I believe that there is no need to teach difficult content that requires understanding of grammar, as English is still taught from scratch at junior high school. If you keep the content simple (vocabulary and simple expressions) I don't think there should be any difficulties. To keep lessons interesting and useful, teachers need to let the students practice this simple English in a wide variety of situations and contexts. For example, the numbers 1-20 play a key role in many of the units I taught from first to sixth grade. The main aim should be that students are able to use a small amount of English in a wide variety of situations, rather than simply to cover as many words and expressions as possible.)
Next time, we will talk to Dr. Kumiko Sato (Tamagawa University, Literature department).
佐藤先生へのインタビューは11月28日にアップしました。こちらを是非ご覧下さい。(Click here!)