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『The Japan Times ST』オンライン版 | UPDATED: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 | 毎週水曜日更新!   
  • 英語のニュース
  • 英語とエンタメ
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  • ことわざ・フレーズ
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Australia Up Close

Universities Play Key Role in International Relations




Belly dancers, iaido presentations and Latin music were just some of the exciting events during International Students' Week at Griffith University's Conservatorium of Music.

International Students' Week was aimed at strengthening the relationships between Australian and international students and encouraging all students to become more aware of foreign cultures. Events such as this are becoming increasingly significant; as last year's enrollment numbers show, more international students are choosing to study at Australian universities.

From 1996 to 1997 Griffith saw a 68 percent increase in the number of international students commencing courses. The largest increases were in the number of study-abroad students. Popular courses for international students are hotel management, commerce and business administration.

Griffith University's international students' center manager Brendon Walker believes the large influx of international students to Australia is a result of Australia's reputation for quality teaching as well as the high level of academic and personal support offered to foreign students. Griffith offers special courses to ensure that international students have satisfactory English skills before they enter their chosen course.

"The international students also broaden the Australian students' perspective on life and learning," Walker said. "This gives everyone involved a better life experience."

The importance of Australia's involvement with Asia is also being realized at the university level. Griffith University's vice chancellor, Professor Roy Webb, said it is particularly important for all university students to be up-to-date with Asian social and economic trends. As a result, Griffith University has recently established an Asian-Pacific council to ensure students in all fields have a good understanding of Australia's relations with Asia.

`Australia's future is strongly linked with Asia," Webb said. "Because of this students need to have a good understanding of Asia, regardless of the course they are studying."

To further Griffith's ties with Asia the university also recently signed an exchange agreement with Nihon University.

Chris Rees is a Griffith University graduate who was experienced firsthand the advantages of strong international relations. Since graduating from Griffith in 1983 Rees has played an integral role in developing trade relations between Australia and Japan. Working as Australian trade commissioner for Fukuoka made him realize the massive potential for trade in this area.

"Japan is one of Australia's most significant trading partners and there are huge benefits to be gained by Australian companies who enter the Japanese market," Rees said.

When Rees visited Fukuoka in 1992 he was astounded to find there was very little marketing done by Australian companies in such a heavily populated area. Rees quickly brought several Australian companies, particularly those in the wine industry, to the attention of the Japanese.

"I found that very few Japanese drink Australian wines so I needed a way to market fine Australian wines to this area," he said. Subsequently, the city of Kitakyushu introduced an Australian wine as the official city wine, using it in all government functions and selling it to many Japanese households.

Rees attributes much of his success in Japan to his university education at Griffith. He was able to study both science and Japanese at Griffith, giving him a broad grounding for his professional career. "At Griffith I was also given a desire to be involved in the `wider sense,' Rees said. "My work overseas made me realize how important good international relations are, particularly between Australia and Japan."

The importance of good international relations for Australia cannot be underestimated as they will not only ensure a sound economic future but will ultimately make the world a better place to live.

Shukan ST: Jan. 16, 1998

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