Hello, my dear readers! I'm back, and this time, we're going to explore some English proverbs and inspirational lines from some of the world's most famous people.
The first proverb we're going to look at is: Necessity is the mother of invention.
On top of this, you're probably wondering where the first three months of your year have gone, and trying to ignore the exact number of New Year's resolutions that you haven't kept. (I know I am.)
In this "I need to do this, I need to do that, but I can't seem to get everything done" season, be inventive. The stress and pressure aren't necessarily bad. Think of them more as a challenge, a challenge that will force you to be creative in finding a solution.
Past precedent will back me up. Take, for example, Mozart: Some of his greatest works were written because he needed the extra money. Take Eric Clapton: He may have started writing music to get girls, but look how skilled a musician he became. Take, also, me: the necessity I feel to make excuses for myself inspires me tospin even more elaborate excuses.
And as for those New Year's resolutions, you need to forget them, and invent a whole new set. After all, you're in Japan, one of the few cultures that traditionally sees April as the beginning of a new year. Take advantage of that, and pity those poor people who live where the year starts only in January.
Q1 What is Kana's advice for those who feel overwhelmed by all the things they have to do this year?
A1) Just forget about all their promises and responsibilities.
A2) Turn the pressure into a force that will help you find a solution.
A3) Do whatever you want and pretend those were your original New Year's resolutions.
正解: A2) Turn the pressure into a force that will help you find a solution.
Q2 When does necessity become the mother of invention for Kana?
A1) When she comes up with great excuses for herself.
A2) When she writes books to earn extra money.
A3) When she writes songs to impress people.
正解: A1) When she comes up with great excuses for herself.