英語学習サイト ジャパンタイムズ 週刊STオンライン
『The Japan Times ST』オンライン版 | UPDATED: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 | 毎週水曜日更新!   
  • 英語のニュース
  • 英語とエンタメ
  • リスニング・発音
  • ことわざ・フレーズ
  • 英語とお仕事
  • キッズ英語
  • クイズ・パズル
  • 留学・海外生活
  • 英語のものがたり
  • 会話・文法
  • 週刊ST購読申し込み


By Yuri Kiba / キバ・ユリ


Yuri Kiba / キバ・ユリ

Vol. 61 : 息子の同級生が書いたエッセー: 「The Importance of Homework」


 The Importance of Homework

 Homework in today's society is an essential element of a child's education. It is not only an extension of the work and notes he receives in the classroom, but also a disciplinary measure to enforce a sense of routine. But first, to better understand the principles of Homework in today's society, we must look into the History behind Homework.

 The idea of educating children began in the Roman Empire over Two thousand years ago. Select children were sent to these "schools" and taught about Language, History and Science. Homework was not necessary in these times, as they did not have enough blackboard space to do much work at home. (Paper hadn't been invented, and the "Paper" that they did use was very expensive). Then during the collapse of the Roman Empire, the Dark Ages set in, and almost everyone went off to work in the field, or fight a battle. Nobody bothered to do any study, as it was a waste of time.

 During the Renaissance, people started to learn again, and the English (from whom we get our modern day school system) introduced boarding schools. These schools were invented to: a) keep the kids off the streets and make them into civilized human beings; b) make them into tough men ready to handle the world (probably either taking over their father's estate, or going into the armed forces); c) teach them the Classics of Latin, Ancient Greek, Hebrew, Literature and Biblical Studies.

 During later years, perhaps in the mid ninetieth century, day-schools started to appear, and these became popular as the boys (or even girls) could live at the home. To catch up on the work that they did not cover while in full time school, they were set work to do at home, or Homework. This was the start of the downfall of the importance of the family, and the rise of the technological era that we have today.

 今回は、前書きと展開の半ばのところで終わります。続きは来週にいたしましょう。19世紀半ばに作られたday-schoolがフルタイムの学校に追いつくために課した「宿題」。これが家庭没落 (downfall) の始まりであった、などという歴史解釈など、自分の宿題未提出に都合よく書かれてあり、苦笑してしまいます。では次回の「結論」をお楽しみに…。

英語のニュース |  英語とエンタメ |  リスニング・発音 |  ことわざ・フレーズ |  英語とお仕事 |  キッズ英語 |  クイズ・パズル
留学・海外就職 |  英語のものがたり |  会話・文法 |  執筆者リスト |  読者の声 |  広告掲載
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