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Paris Watch

Animals Find the Dog'S Life in Paris Is 'Pas Mal'



パリの街と東京・銀座の違いはー? それは路上に犬のふんが落ちているかどうか、ということ。パリジャンは大の犬好きで、街のいたるところで犬を散歩させている風景が見られます。捨て犬もいますが、それに対する動物愛護団体の活動も盛んです。

It's not common for dogs to be allowed in apartments in Japan. But Paris is a different story.

When it comes to dogs, French people are very generous. If you take your dog for a walk, you will notice a change in the attitude of passersby right away. They will start smiling at you and even talking to you.

Paris is a dogs' city. Poodle, fox terrier, bulldog, spitz, dachshund, collie, boxer, cocker spaniel — you name it! They are everywhere. That's why there are so many droppings on the street — in other words, dog shit. Excuse my language, but it's true. If you're not careful, you're bound to step in it and find yourself shouting, "Merde!" which means "shit" in French.

Have you ever noticed this problem on the streets of Ginza, for example? No way! It just goes to show how tolerant the French are of their beloved dogs.

The streets are cleaned every morning, but another dog comes along right after that. It's a neverending on-the-street routine. I would say, if there's no mess on the street, it's just not Paris.

From Place du Chatelet to Pont Neuf, there is a row of pet shops along the Seine. And they are always crowded with families on the weekend. Poodles and Yorkshire terriers are very popular. So are golden retrievers and fox terriers. The only Japanese dog I see in such shops is the akitaken. These dogs seem quite ordinary in Japan. But if you see them in Paris, they look so cool.

I love visiting pet shops. Often I spend hours just watching those adorable doggies. I feel a tender emotion rising in my heart — Gosh! What angelic creatures they are!

I hate to tell you this but unfortunately, even in France, there are lots of abandoned animals. The number reaches its peak in early summer due to the beginning of summer vacance. Many people leave for their long vacation in July and August, and prior to that, they seem to think, "What are we going to do with our dog?" You can see the result: miserable strays all over town.

Animal protection groups naturally developed as the situation worsened.

The Brigitte Bardot Foundation is one of the biggest groups working to protect animals. The former actress, who once charmed men around the world on the silver screen, is the group's founder and now an energetic activist against animal abuse. I learned that she auctioned off her precious jewels and other personal possessions in order to raise the F3 million (¥51 million), required by French law for the creation of a foundation.

Around Christmastime, such groups organize Adoption Day. Dogs and cats are brought from animal shelters to a spacious public place. It's open to the public, so that anyone can visit and take a look. I think it's a great idea, but at the same time I feel it's quite cruel, because I learned that some dogs are abandoned not only once but twice, or even worse, three times. Dogs like that seem so indifferent. They just sit still in their cage, as if waiting for the end of the day. They seem to have lost trust in humans completely. On the other hand, the dogs that have been abandoned recently still look friendly toward humans.

A more recent problem is the one relating to pitbulls. This species is infamous for its ferociousness. Some juvenile delinquents use pitbulls as a weapon. I have read many articles reporting incidents involving them. I understand that every kind of animal has its inherent character. But I believe that pitbulls can be nice if you raise them with great care and affection. I know as a fact that those youngsters train them to become more and more aggressive. That seems so ridiculous.

Despite all the problems, I still believe that the French have a great love for dogs. I must admit that not all dogs are in good circumstances; however, it's also true that majority of citizens have a wonderful relationship with dogs.

Do you know the expression "to lead a dog's life?" It means "to lead a miserable life." But I don't think dogs would like that idiom. It might contain a certain amount of truth, but mostly I think it depends on the family a dog lives with. A dog can't choose his family. It's up to us to make sure a dog leads a happy life.

Every day I see many dogs on the street and I ask each one of them if it's good to be a dog in Paris. Believe it or not, I hear them say, "Not bad."

Shukan ST: Oct. 1, 1999

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