Do, does and did are used to make questions and negative sentences in the present and simple past.
For example:
◆ Do you like to ski?
◆ Does he want to go home early today?
◆ You did not wash the dishes.
We can also use do, does and did with positive statements to show emphasis. We use the form subject + do / does / did + verb.
We can use do, does or did to show stronger feelings or emotions. When speaking, we put extra stress on the word do, does or did.
◆ I do love watching movies. (Sounds stronger than “I love watching movies.”)
◆ He does look like he is not feeling well. We’d better take him to the doctor. (Sounds stronger than “He looks like he is not feeling well.”)
◆ I did want to see you when I was in Los Angeles, but I didn’t have time. (Sounds stronger than “I wanted to see you”)
We also use do, does and did to show contrast.
For example:
◆ I don’t usually like seafood, but I do like to eat sushi.
◆ My husband never remembers our anniversary, but he does always remember my birthday.
◆ I don’t play any sports now, but I did play soccer when I was in high school.